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It was after a few weeks. I have just come home after going with Jay to the Chaat shop.

"Hey angel, you back?" Dad asks me as I walk into the living room.

"Yes, dad," I reply, smiling at him and Mumma.

"Enjoyed with Adi and Jay?" he asks, making the smile flatter on my face.

"Yes, dad," I reply, though Adi was not with Jay and me.

I am lying once again. I have been doing that a lot lately.

I had lied to Mumma two days before too when she comes to my room late at night to give me my clothes. I was talking to Jay, and I had to lie.

I could've just told her that I was talking to Jay, but, I had said that to her one day before only. And of course, she would get suspicious if I take Jay's name every day.

And I lied to them yesterday too.

I am not like that, well, I never was. I don't want to lie to Dad and Mumma but, I couldn't even say anything about that to them.

Moreover, after my first date, whenever Jay and I get close to each other, my parent's face comes first in my mind. And doing something doesn't feel right.

I feel tears building in my eyes, thinking through all the lies I have told them. I quickly move upstairs, giving them a lame reason.

One more lie.

I lay down on my bed side-ways, hugging my legs close to my chest, thinking through every option.

I can't keep lying to my parents every time, every day. I just can't.

I love being with Jay. I love talking to him. I love spending time with him. And I am still unable to believe that it had been six months since we were together.

But I seriously don't want to disappoint my parents. They trust me. They let me go anywhere I want without asking questions. They don't mind if I keep spending time with Adi and Jay till late, unlike some parents. They are open-minded with me. They are giving me the freedom to do whatever I want. They don't care whatever people say when it comes to me.

And here I am, repaying them with this.

I feel a tear escaping my eyes, followed by many others. I sob lightly, feeling overwhelmed by all this. I am confused and angry at myself.

I like Jay a lot. And Jay is very kind and understanding. But I don't know what to do now.

I can't keep lying, but I don't want to lose Jay too. He is one in a million who never lets me lower my confidence or motivation. He is the who justifies me when I feel low about myself. And I can't do this to him.

But, I can't keep lying to my parents either. I hear a sob coming from inside me, making my eyes drop eventually from tiredness after some time and, the sleep to consume me.

But in the end, I know what I am going to do at school tomorrow.

>> JAY'S POV <<

"By Mumma," I wave at my Mumma as I go outside to wait for the school bus.

I lean on the wall and look ahead to see if the bus is arriving or not. But of course, it isn't like every time. Can't the school bus come early? I want to see my Kiu badly. We didn't even talked last night.

I smile at that thought. God, I am so desperate for her. I think Adi is right when he tells me 'whipped'.

But, it is hard not to fall for her. She is beautiful inside out. She is kind, loving and caring. And most importantly, she understands me. She never shows tantrums when I get busy in cricket practices or when I had to go to other towns to play from school and couldn't make time for her. I never had anyone with whom I can share my feelings other than Adi, but now, I have a most amazing girl with me to tell my soul.

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