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"Oh No, that's not the way to do that. Let me show you," I hear Rudra says to Kiu, making me roll my eyes.

We have reached here half an hour before to have a break and for lunch. We will stay here for two hours before we continue our journey. We are free to roam in the boundary area, doing whatever we want to do as the staff sets up our lunch.

And Rudra hadn't left our side or, well, Kiu's side till now.

"I am getting bored. Let's go and do something," Adi whispers to me.

I shake my head while still looking at Kiu and Rudra. Kiu is trying to do something but wasn't successful as Rudra tries to help her and that too by reaching closer to her.

Can't their arms not touch. And why the hell is he touching her hand?

"Come on, Jay," Adi nudges me, "You are in such a bad mood from the starting. Let's do something fun."

"No," I reply, irritatedly, as Rudra touches Kiu's hand once again.

"Stop shooting daggers at them and come with me," Adi tries to drag me, making me more annoyed. And even the headache is also forming.

"I said No, and I am not shooting daggers at them. I am just watching them," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Sure you are watching them," Adi rolls his eyes, "And you stay here. I am off to rescue Kia before she goes insane with all the unwanted help Rudra is providing her. Her face is looking so hilarious. I am so going to tease her for that." He chuckles and moves towards them.

I watch as he reaches them and says something to Rudra before pointing towards the staff. Kia gives a smile to Adi when Rudra look away. At least Kiu is also not liking the unwanted attention of Rudra.

"Hey Jay," I move my gaze away from the three and look at Avni as she comes to stand beside me.

"Hello," I return her smile as I notice Riya and Nisha are also behind her.

"Why are you standing alone? Come with me. We will explore something," she says, holding my arms before I can say 'no' to her.

"Hey Avni," Adi smiles extra sweetly at Avni as he comes with Kia.

I pursed my lips to stop the smile. Staying with Kia, Adi is also learning her art of smiling extra sweetly at people.

"Hey," She says flatly.

"I came to tell you that someone was calling you," he points at where he has sent Rudra.

"Who?" she asks, looking in the distance.

"I don't know. I hear from someone here that someone was calling you there," Adi replies. Smart idiot.

"Oh. I will back, ok?" Avni says and goes off quickly.

"Aren't you getting too smart by staying with me?" Kiu nudges Adi teasingly.

I chuckle as Adi scoffs, "You two are getting smart by staying with me. Not the other way around."

Kia scoffs and says, "Monkey, at least know your abilities before stating something. I am smarter than you."

And they started fighting.

"Students, proceed to the garden for lunch," we hear the announcement and look at each other.

"Come on, Kiu, Adi," I put my hand on both of their shoulders and move to the sitting area.

We three made a small circle and sat on the ground with our dish.

"See, there is also a Dahi Wada," Kiu pats my arm, looking at the plates.

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