Chapter 2 - Highschool Sucks!

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As the final bell rang, Brayden slowly packed up his things and made his way out of the classroom. No longer stealthy and ninja like, the freshman was broken and tired.

As he walked down the hall, he began to wonder if he would ever live down the days events, or would he spend the next 4 years being "that kid from the cafeteria"?. Would the hazing really end this week? Or would Troy and his crew keep going all year? If so, how would he explain all the damaged underwear to his mother? Underwear! He needed to switch to boxers too!

Just then, Brandon's left shoulder and arm collided with something, sending his right side smashing into the lockers, waking him from his daze. As he looked back to figure out what just happened, a rather large guy in a school jersey yelled "watch were you are walking, loser!". The group around him laughed. Instinctively, Brayden apologized with a "sorry", and continued walking.

Wait! Was that even my fault? Did I just apologize to someone for intentionally body checking me into lockers??? Maybe he could just transfer to another school? He continued his dazed walking.

As soon as Brayden got home, he peeled off his sticky and smelly clothes and took a shower, then put on some fresh, clean clothes. He felt much better now that he didn't smell like rotting food.

He layed down on his bed. Just as he was about to slip back into his daze of worrying and anxiety, his phone buzzed. It was from Carson, a friend from middle school. Carson had gone to a different high school in town.

The message read "dude! WTF ??". Brayden was puzzled, what did that message even mean? He hadn't even talked to Carson since grade 8 grad last spring. Was it sent to the wrong person by mistake?

Just then, another message, a link to a video. He clicked it...... his heart stopped. It was a video of him and Aiden from the cafeteria. Someone must have recorded the whole thing! It was over! He would never live this down. Not just did everyone at his new school know, but atleast one of the other schools in town too.... maybe the whole world! So much for transferring school's to get away from this.

Carson messaged again" that sucks dude, but seriously, whats with the tighty whites? Its almost like you want to attract bullies wearing them to highschool!" He wasn't wrong.
It could be worse, Carson told him about one of the "traditions" at his new school. For the first few days, If a freshman gets a wedgie, they arnt allowed to pick it, or tuck it back in there pants till the end of the day. Even worst, if the rip, you have to wear the remains around your neck for the rest of the day. Get caught breaking those rules, and the punishments are far worse.

At dinner, Brayden mustered up the nerve to ask his mother to buy him boxers. "Absolutely not!" She replied," You just got 2 large packages of underwear for back to school. We can't afford to buy you a new wardrobe every week. Besides, people can't see your underwear anyway, why does it matter? Maybe Santa will bring you some for Christmas ". Christmas?! He thought. Thats almost 4 months away still! Things just kept getting worse.

The next morning, as Brayden got ready for school, he had an idea. He packed a change of clothes and spare underwear in his backpack, just in case. At least this way, he wouldn't have to spend the afternoon smelling bad and feeling gross.

As Brayden walked toward the school, he saw Troy and his goons, over by the dumpsters. They were busy using duct tape to mummify the nerdy looking kid from the first day. No doubt they were going to toss him in the dumpster when they were done.
Braydon hurried past them un noticed.

As he walked down the hall to his locker, he noticed a few people looking at him and laughing as he walked by. Surely they must have seen the video too.

As he bent down to get his books from his locker, a voice behind him asked " hey kid, do you know what time it is"? He began to reply " eight fifteeeeeeeen!" His waist band shot up to his shoulders like a rocket. "Wedgie time!" The hallway erupted into laughter. Fearing the worst, Brayden spun around to come face to face with Cole, and his cheerleader girlfriend, Jen. "Sorry kid, but Aiden's friend or not, you needed to learn to not leave that waist band hanging out for the world to see". Little did Cole know that this was the reason yesterday happened too. Cole playfully ruffled Brayden's hair, and walked away. Brayden tried his best to tuck his underwear back in, and hurried to class.

Aiden's day wasn't going any smoother. He just finished playing dodge ball in gym class, where it seemed like not only was he the target of choice by the opposition, but even his own team would push him or trip him.

He went to the locker room to getting changed . Normally this would be scary, but being that it was all freshman in the class, the locker room was free of upperclassmen.

As he took off his pants and shirt, he was jumped by a group of "cool kids" in his class. They tackled him face down on the floor, then bent his legs back, stretching the back of the leg holes of his dark blue hanes boxer breifs over his feet, putting him in a jock lock wedgie. Having been in this situation before at the hand of his older cousins sleepover, he figured he could wiggle his way free once they left.

They had other plans. Aiden heard the unmistakable sound of duct tape being pulled off the roll. Super sticky tape was wrapped around his knees and ankles. This was going to make wiggling free much harder.

He began to fight back and yell for help. Immediately he felt someone sit on his back, and cover his mouth with their hand. Another assailant secured his wrists with their hands. He struggled his best, but its as no use. His hands were brought behind his back and tied with rope, then to his ankles, hog tying him.

A stained yellowish jock strap was then forced into his mouth and taped in place with three wraps around his head. The pungent salty gag attacked his taste buds. He tried not to gag. Suddenly an equally disgusting and stained pair of white breifs were forced over his head, blocking his vision. The smell was awful. It was immediately obvious why these items remained lost, in the lost and found.

"Let's put him in the girls change room", someone suggested. " not enough time, we are going to be late, I have a better idea". Another added. He felt many hands pick him up, and carry him a short distance. He was then dropped on a very hard, cold ground.

At first he was unsure were he was, but as Streams of freezing cold water hit him from all directions, it was immediately obvious he was in the showers. The room got quiet, then someone turned off the lights. Aiden attempted to struggle, but it was no use. He put his face down on to the cold tile and began to cry. Everyone told him how much fun highschool was going to be, but this was just hell.

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