Chapter 12 - Truth be Told

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Cole had been kind enough to untie Owen's wrists and allowed him to remove the atomic wedgied underwear from his head. The freshman was however forbidden from picking the wedgie from his butt crack, or tucking the bright white beaver tail back in his pants. The senior had repurposed the rope, tying it loosely around the nerd's neck as a leash. 

"Come on boy!" commanded Cole, as he led the dejected nerd through the house on his hands and knees. To further test Owen's submissiveness, the senior made the younger teen perform all the standard dog tricks, including sit, shake paw, lay down, and play dead. Owen thought that if anyone at school ever found out about this humiliation, he just might wish he WAS dead. The jock only added to the embarrassment by rewarding Owen's good behaviour with head petting and belly rubs. 

"You are pretty good at this. You aren't one of those furry freaks are you?" teased the senior. Owen shook his head vigorously. 

The nerdy freshman was lost in thoughts of a story his brother had told him before. A story about how he and some of the other bullies had forced a kid to crawl around school in a dog costume and then made him eat dog food, beg for dog biscuits and drink from a toilet. He could not imagine that level of public humiliation that poor kid had been through. He hoped that this wouldn't end like that.

As they entered the rec room, Cole began to shout, "Why is that rodent on the couch?!" as he pointed angrily at Brayden.

"Chill Bro, I told him he could sit there to watch the game", countered Mitch. "He finished all his chores already". 

The angry senior spat back, "I don't care, get off my couch!"

"Fucking chill bro! What do you have against these poor kids? I am all for messing with freshmen and losers too, but these kids just cleaned your damn house for you! You have to be the shittyist babysitter ever!", snapped Mitch. 

Brayden quietly slid off the couch and sat on the floor, not wanting to start a fist fight between the two football players. 

Cole let it go, but was clearly still pissed off. He gave a hard yank on Owen's leash, dragging the teen in front of the arm chair. After putting Owen in a jock lock wedgie, the ill tempered athlete proceeded to use the boy as a footrest. 

The tension was still extremely high between the two seniors, as they silently continued to exchange glares and sip beer during the commercial break. Neither Freshman had any doubt that they would pay dearly for this later in the evening. 

Tex leading Aiden into the rec room was the comic relief that the situation needed. Both Seniors laughed out loud at the sight of the tiny nerd. The two freshmen just stared in shock. Aiden was naked, except for his stretched out boxer-briefs, which were seeping blue shaving gel. The undergarment was firmly wedgied both front and rear. The messy filling caused the underwear to almost cling to his scrawny chest. His hair was dripping wet, with what was almost certainly toilet water. It was unsure if he was shivering in fear, or just from being undressed and wet in the cool air conditioned basement. The look on his face rounded out the appearance. A look of pure defeat and regret. The teen was used up and broken. 

"See, that's what a loser should look like when you are done with him!", said a very smug Cole, clearly taking a dig at Mitch. 

"That's the look of a kid that finally told me the truth about your little deal", snapped Tex. 

The smug look was instantly gone from Cole's face, replaced by guilt. The freshmen all had looks of worry and guilt too. 

Clearly being the last one in the room to know what the hell was going on, Mitch questioned, "and what fucking deal is that?!"

Tex Explained, "remember yesterday when you told Cole to go free the losers in the locker room because we were going to mess with the rookies instead?"

Brayden had to rewind that in his mind for a second. What did he just say?!

"Ya, why?" asked Mitch.

"Because instead of setting them free, He told them he would help them escape but only if they promised to come here tonight to clean the place and be his personal slaves for the weekend", explained Tex. 

"That's freakin legendary!", laughed Mitch 

Cole replied, "In my defence, that's not even how it happened. They were dumb enough to offer to come here and to clean. I just took them up on it", laughed Cole.  

"So since you never helped us escape, does that mean we can go now? After all you did put us through all this for nothing", asked Aiden. 

Cole shook his head. "No, it's too late for you to walk home now, and we can't drive because we have been drinking. Besides, getting beat on by the football team was good practice for the rest of your highschool career", joked the senior. 

"Can I at least go clean up and get dressed again?" begged the shivering nerd. 

"Sure, but don't make a mess in there, or you Tex will make you clean it again", teased Cole. 

Unsure whether it was due to guilt or genuine generosity, Cole ordered pizza for everyone.  As they ate, Mitch joked, "when was the last time you saw nerds and football players eating in the same room together?" 

"Technically, every day in the cafeteria", stated Aiden. "But this time no one is getting tossed in a garbage pail" 

"I wouldn't rule it out completely", threatened Tex jokingly. 

"I am not going to lie, this is not at all how I expected to spend my Saturday nights in highschool", joked Brayden.

Owen replied, " sadly, this is better than I expected. You don't know what its like having one of the biggest bullies in the whole school for an older brother".

"Who's your brother?", asked Cole. 

"Mark Bieri. He hangs around the football team, so you guys would know him", said Owen. All three Jocks looked confused. "You don't know him?" asked the puzzled nerd. The football players shook their heads. Owen pulled out his phone and showed them a picture of him with his older brother. 

"Wait! Skidmark is your brother??!" laughed Tex. 

"Wait, Skidmark's real name is actually Mark? That's hilarious!" shouted Mitch.

Owen looked confused. "Skidmark? So you do know him?"

"Oh, we know him very well! I don't know how to tell you this, but your brother isn't a bully. He was the kid everyone used to humiliate for fun till... well till you came along. The only hanging he did around the football team was hanging wedgies in the locker room", explained Cole. 

"No, you must have him confused with someone else. He tells me about all the things he does to kids, he is super mean!", pleaded Owen.

"Remember the time last spring when we put him in a diaper, fed him laxatives, and tied him to the flagpole?", laughed Cole.

"ya, or the time Tex gave him swirlies in literally every toilet in the school, one after another", reminisced Mitch. 

Tex explained, "He had it coming. He was going around telling people that I didn't actually give him an atomic swirly one day and that Monaghan just held his head under a tap instead. Liars get swirlies, right little man?" Aiden turned red with embarrassment as he nodded in agreement. 

The football players went on and on, reminiscing about times they had done awful things to Mark over the past two years. Things well beyond even the three freshmen's worst nightmares. 

Owen was lost in a sea of emotions. He was angry at his brother for lying to him, and for always being mean to him. On the other hand, he felt bad for his brother. He knew all too well how bad it felt being humiliated and degraded constantly. The first week at highschool had been hell for Owen, but he couldn't begin to imagine two years of that torture. No wonder Mark had been so aggressive toward him since around that same time. He must have been redirecting his anger toward the only person that he could actually bully back. That was going to stop now!

Owen nervously proposed a question, "Hey Cole, since I did clean your room and did your laundry today, could I maybe call in a tiny favor?" 

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