Chapter 6 - And Then There Was Three

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The erie and madening silence seemed to go on forever. Instead of using this time to think about how they had disrespected their upperclassmen, both prisoners stewed in their anger. They passed the time silently day dreaming about far fetched plans of revenge and karma against their respective tormentors. 

Brayden even fantasized about bullying that nerd that sold him out. he imagined doing things far worse then even Troy had dished out. 

The freshmen were snapped out of their thoughts by a loud crash, and cry of pain. Although neither boy could see anything in their current perdicament, it was clear that they were not alone in the locker room any more. A lone figure had crawled in through a small window, about 6 feet up, then crashed to the ground, while knocking over a shelving unit that stood below the window. The sports equipment that had filled the shelving was now littered across the locker room floor. 

Aiden heard footsteps approch, then the defening sound of the zipper on his gym bag prison tearing open. between the underwear stretched over his face, the shoe partially blocking his vision, and his eyes adjusting to the light, Aiden was unable to see who this new person was. He heard a voice say to themself, " nope, wrong kid", then he heard footsteps quickly walking away. Although the zipper was left partially open, Aiden was no closer to freedom. 

Brayden felt someone cutting the tape holding the nasty old shoe to his face. Relief! For the first time in probably the last hour or so, Brayden could finally breath fresh air.

Next the unknow assailent began working at the tape covering his face and head. At this point, the duct tape mummy was extremely greatful that his bullys had wrapped him in pallet wrap first, before applying the tape. Had the tape been directly on his hair, this would have been far more painful. How conciderate of them, he thought jokingly.

As the tape was unwound from around his eyes, Brayden could finally see his rescuer. His knight in shining armour was a scrawny nerd with glasses. Not just any scrawny nerd, but the very one that caused him to be in this situation in the first place! Still fresh in his thoughts of revenge, Brayden begain to yell angerly at Owen. Dispite the torn boxers and duct tape keeping him gagged, it didnt take a genious for Owen to realize that Brayden wasn't happy to see him. Owen frantically worked to remove the duct tape from Brayden's mouth.

"I am so sorry!" pleaded Owen. "Oh, you haven't even begain to be sorry, bitch" boomed a voice from across the room. Distracted with freeing Brayden, the nerdy freshman had failed to notice two football players enter the locker room. Owen remained frozen on place, like a deer in the headlights. His face showed absolute fear and panic. "didn't you have enough fun the other night, you just had to come back for more, baby dick?" teased the second jock.

The lanky freshman took off accross the locker room, pursued closely by the muscular seniors. Neither captive could see anything from their vantage point, but they could hear a struggle, along with Owens pathetic begging for mercy. This was followed by what felt like an eturnity of toilet flushing, mixed with coughing and more begging.

As Owen was marched back across the room by the waistband of his underwear, Brayden could see that he looked completely broken. His head was hung low and his hair was dripping down his shirt. He was no longer putting up any fight, or even begging.

With the nerd's glasses missing, Brayden wasn't quite sure if that was toilet water running down Owen's cheeks, or if the winpy freshman was actually crying.

Once one of the seniors opened the door of an unlocked locker, the submissive nerd simply squeezed right in, without a word spoken.

The senior placed Owen's glasses back on his face, then carefully closed the locker door and secured it.

One of the jocks commented " at least the little bitch knows his place". Both jocks laughed as they left the locker room.

as soon as the door closed, Brayden spit out his torn underwear gag. He could now clearly hear Owen crying inside the locker. "you ok, kid" he asked.

between sobbing, Owen managed to reply "no! this is bad! you don't know what they are going to do to us! you don't know what they did to me last time!"

Brayden and Aiden suddenly felt far worse about their current predicament.

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