Chapter 10 - Reflection and Retribution

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The time laying on Cole's bedroom floor in scarecrow wedgies gave all three teens a chance to think. 

Owen thought about the scarecrow wedgies that his older brother Mark had done to him in the past. His brother had never been thoughtful enough to lay Owen down so he wouldn't fall, like the seniors had. Mark always threatened to take him to the park and tie him to a tree or post, so he could be a real scarecrow. Fortunately the older sibling never acted on the threat. 

Owen thought about how he wished he could be a big tough bully, like his brother. He didn't like the idea of having to beat up nerdy kids, but longed to be feared and respected. No one would mess with him anymore. He would be friends with his tormentors, instead of their victim. Mark told him stories of the kids at school that feared him. Kids just like Owen.

Aiden spent his time thinking about Cole. How nice Cole used to be to him. How he thought they were friends. How he had alway looked up to him. How cool he thought Cole was. How it all turned out to be lies. The family friend was no better than Troy, or Connor, or the mean kids at Scouts. He was just another person that hated Aiden for no reason. 

Aiden's thoughts turned to how bad the sock he was gagged with tasted. How bad the boxers smelled. He thought about how bad the wedgie hurt. Then he thought how silly Brayden was for struggling like he was. His new friend kept wiggling and flopping around on the ground. What was he thinking? Even if he got to his feet, he wouldn't be able to open the door, or get back upstairs. 

Brayden was only thinking about his movements. How he needed to wiggle and flex to get where he needed to go. He bent his knees and flexed his hips. Every movement caused the underwear to dig in deeper, but he continued through the pain. He struggled around the floor at a snail's pace. He pulled his knees up to his chest, then straightened his legs out as hard as he could. He felt an impact, and heard the muffled scream. He did it again, and again. Over and over, he kicked Owen in the ribs as hard as he could, while still being bound. 

Owen was helpless to the attack. The nerdy teen was unable to move away, and unable to use his hands or arms to block the kicks. All he could do was beg for mercy through the rancid football sock cleave gag. He wasn't sure why Brayden was angry with him. As he turned to face his attacker, Brayden landed a kick square on his face. It was a direct hit to the nose and mouth. Owen's eyes immediately began to water, and he could feel the blood starting to trickle from his nose. The inside of his mouth hurt where his braces dug in during the impact. He began to cry into his gag. 

Before Brayden could mount another attack, the bedroom door opened. Cole, Mitch and Tex casually walked, each had a can of beer in hand. "You guys didn't get far. I guess you guys didn't want to miss all the fun tonight" mocked Cole. This drew a laugh from the other two jocks. 

Noticing Owen's Bloody nose, Cole teased, "Typical nerd with a nose bleed", then quickly changed his tone and threatened."You better not have gotten any of your loser blood on my carpet!"

The gag prevented Owen from blaming Brayden for causing the bleeding. Even if he could plead his case, he doubted the bullies would care that he was attacked. If anything, they would probably just give Brayden a fist bump for beating up someone. The seniors were clearly not against that type of behaviour.

Once all three freshmen were freed from the wedgies, they were led out of the bedroom to start their cleaning chores. As they walked up the stairs, Brayden leaned forward and whispered to Owen, "You fucked with the wrong guy! You are going to wish that I was as nice to you as Troy or Cole!"  


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