Chapter 3 - Friends and Enemys

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freshman hell - chapter 3

Aiden remained hog tied and gagged on the locker room shower floor, shivering from the ice cold water spraying on him from all directions.

It felt like he had been there for hours already. Would anyone find him? Did he even want anyone to find him in this state? What if the next people to use the change room was seniors, or worse, football practice? Heck, even other freshman were bullying him now. How much worse could this get?

He started to imagine all the cruel things that could happen to him. He had such high hopes for highschool. Being a bit of a loner in middle school, he had dreamed of all the new friends he would make in highschool. 4 days in, and he hadn't made a single friend yet. He began crying again. This was hell.

Aiden's pity party was interrupted by the sound of the locker room door slamming open. The lights came on. He began panic. What new hell awaited him? "Aiden ?" screamed voice. He tried to yell back, but with the jockstrap taped in his mouth, it came out a muffled "mmhmm".

He heard footsteps splashing around him, and someone heavily breathing, clearly out of breath. The fridged water stopped. He felt the wet underwear being pulled off his head. He looked up to see the boy from the cafeteria the day before. Why was he here? Brayden peeled the tape off aiden's mouth then started to pull the jockstrap out. "Ewww! Gross!", replied Brayden, realizing what he was touching. He untied the ropes, allowing Aiden to stretch. Stretching felt great.

Brayden helped the still shivering teen up, and supported him as he hopped out of the shower area to a bench in the main locker room. Aiden slowly and carefully tried to remove the tape from his ankles and knees, while Brayden looked for a towel to dry him off. " I couldn't find a towel, but this will do", said Brayden, as he offers him handfuls of paper towels from near the sink.

"How did you know I was here? Aiden asked? "They posted a snap of you. I ran here as soon as I saw it. I am still a little out of breath", Brayden replied. " don't worry, you can't see your face because of the underwear", he added.

As he finished attempting to dry off, Aiden began to panic. "Where are my clothes?! They took my clothes!" He shouted. He was on the verge of tears again. All he had left was the soaking wet, stretched out boxer briefs that they left him in.

Brayden dug into his backpack and pulled out his spares. Aidens face lit up, until he noticed the white briefs. " I can't wear those!" He exclaimed. " don't worry, I don't think it will hurt your social status too much",Brayden joked.

As they walked out of the locker room, Aiden commented on how the spare clothes were way too big for him. It was true, he was quite a bit shorter and skinnier then Brayden, and did look a bit funny, but it was better then the alternative. "Don't worry, you will grow into them, Brayden teased, as he gave him a playful punch in the arm. Wait! Was this a friend? Did he finally make his first real highschool friend?!?!.

As they walked down the hall, Aiden paused. " wait, what time is it? How long was I in there?" He asked. " its lunch time", Brayden responded, looking at the time on his phone, "and its almost over, we better get to class", he added. The two teens parted ways and headed to their next classes.

Aiden stopped at his locker to get a snack, as he had missed lunch. Just as he was opening the locker, he felt someone behind him pull his loose fitting shorts down to his ankles. A sea of laughter erupted in the hallway. "He wears tighty whities, what a loser!" One kid yelled.

Instinctively he bent down to try to pull his shorts back up, but they didn't budge. Someone was standing on thr back of his shorts, holding them down. Aiden immediately realized the trap he had gotten into when he bent down. He felt two hands grabbed the waist band of his breifs, sending them skyrocketing upward. The audience went crazy cheering and yelling insults.

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