Chapter 5 - Suffering the Consequences

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Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of 3rd period. Aiden headed to his locker, to get his science books. As nerdy as it sounded, science was probably Aiden's favorite subject.

As he began to approach his locker, a voice called his name. He turned around to see the giant football player who's locker was directly across the hall from his. Aiden didn't know his real name, but everyone seemed to call him Tex. He must have stood atleast a foot and a half taller then the tiny freshman, and probably more then double Aiden's weight too. To say he was built like a tank, was an understatement. Before Aiden could respond, the giant scooped him up, and carried the pint size freshman down the hall, under one arm.

Once the initial shock wore off, Aiden began to thrash around, and demanded to be put down. The jock just laughed. "I dont know how to do that, I am just a big dumb jock", said Tex, sarcastically. " thats what you said this morning to Emma and Jen, right?" He added. "No!, well, uh... ya" stuttered the freshman. Aiden remembered the conversation well, but never realized that anyone else in the hall was listening. "I am sorry, it was a mistake" Aiden begged. "A mistake? Well, I guess I'll have to just let you go then" joked the senior.

The sight of the massive football player carrying the tiny freshman under one arm seemed to get a few odd looks and some laughs from the students they passed. Aiden remained quiet, as to not attract any more attention to his situation. "How much axe did you use this morning?" Questioned the giant jock. Aiden didn't reply. Aiden looked around, and realized he didn't know where they were. He had never been in the part of the school before. They stopped outside a door with the Parkview Patriots logo painted on it. The jock pulled out a key and unlocked the door.

As soon as they entered, the smell hit Aiden like a wall. It smelled like every other stinky locker room that Aiden had ever been in. Once Tex had turned on the lights, Aiden could see all the murals painted on the walls. He was in fact in the football teams private locker room.  He was in the lair of the enemy. This wasn't good! There was no way this would end well for Aiden.

Tex dropped the boy on the floor, landing hard on his hands and knees. " If you as much as move, I will strip you naked, and leave you in the cheerleaders locker room, for them to give you a makeover and dress you up for the big game... unless you are into women's clothes",  threatened the jock.

Tex walked away. Aiden thought about taking his chances, and making a break for it. As if, he could read Aiden's mind, Tex yelled, " before you embarrass yourself,  The door is locked".

Aiden heard a muffled sound behind him. He looked back, to see what appeared to be a person, wrapped head to toe in silver duct tape, then taped down to a bench in the middle of the locker room. Only his nostrils were exposed. It made a muffled moaning sound again. Aiden jumped a little. "He won't hurt you" laughed Tex. "Who is in that?"questioned Aiden, nervously. "Some freshman. I think his name is Brandon, or Bradley or something.  He was disrespectful to one of my friends, Now he has some time to think about respecting his upperclassmen." Explained Tex. "Isn't that right, Brodie?" Mocked Tex. The duct taped mummy just made a moaning sound. "I can't hear you through the ripped boxers in your mouth, you are going to have to speak louder" joked Tex. Aiden didn't like the sound of any of that.

"Again, I am very sorry, and I have to get going to class now", squeeked Aiden. Tex's demeanor changed. "Nice try runt, but you aren't getting off that easily", Boomed the giant. "It was worth a try", thought Aiden. "If you are lucky, I'll let you go at the end of the day, so you can go to the game, and show your new found respect and school spirit. Piss me off, and you will be staying here after the rest of the team gets here. We will have all kinds of fun with your two. Maybe we will keep you around for after the game?  You wouldn't like that. If we lose, we will take it out on you two. If we win, we will celebrate by having fun with you two", explained Tex. The duct tape mummy erupted into a fit of muffled screams and trying to move in his tight duct tape prison. Aiden didn't like any of it. He didn't want to be stuck here till the end of the day, and he definitely didn't want to be here for the big game.

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