Chapter 9 - Something Strange is Afoot

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"Owen? You mean the little dorky one with glasses? I am sure he will turn up", replied Cole, nonchalantly. "Come, sit!" invited the jock, motioning to the couch beside him. 

As the boys nervously stepped further into the living room, they stopped dead in their tracks. Originally hidden by the coffee table, Brayden could finally see why Cole was acting so sly. Owen was on his hands and knees. His tighty whities were stretched over his forehead, and his face planted inside a nasty looking old Nike basketball shoe. Cole had his feet comfortably resting on Owen's back, one foot barefoot, the other wearing the second shoe. As the nerdy freshmen looked up at the boys, his bulged cheeks and the fabric poking out of his mouth told the story of where Cole's sock had gone. 

Cole pushed his bare foot into the dweebs face, and ordered him to lick it again. Owen's face showed a look of pure humiliation, not even seen during any of the extreme bullying that Brayden had seen the nerdy teen suffer this past week at school. Reluctantly, Owen spit out the dingy looking sock, and began to aggressively lick all over the football star's foot. Brayden and Aiden could only look on in disbelief. Soon, Cole tired of the degrading act, and used his foot to push Owen's face back into the rancid shoe, pulling the atomic wedgie even tighter. 

"I know, it's weird right? but he practically begged me to let him do it! He goes crazy for it! He's a sick freak!", said Cole. Owen tried to protest, but Cole just used his heel to push the nerd's face deeper into the shoe. 

"He actually came here early to try to negotiate his own side deal. can you believe that?" asked Cole. Brayden's facial expression went from shock to rage. The thought that Owen would try to sell them out to save his own butt again made Brayden's blood boil. He was ready to run over and put the boots to the nerdy little traitor, when he was interrupted by the door bell.

"That would be the boys from the team!" exclaimed Cole. Both boys' faces turned to panic and disappointment. "You didn't actually think I was going to let you three losers gang up on me 3 to 1, did you?", asked Cole. "And remember, they can't know about me helping you dweebs escape yesterday!" sternly warned the Jock.

The front door burst open, and two large, muscular football players spilled into the foyer. Aiden immediately recognized Mitch Wright from the locker room, and both underclassmen knew Tex all too well. Things were quickly going from bad to worse. 

"I thought you were babysitting some little kid? Why are these dorks here?", Asked a puzzled Mitch. 

Cole explained, " That IS the little kid (pointing at Aiden), and I let him invite a couple friends over in exchange for them cleaning this place up before my parents come home".

"That's good", Said Tex, "this place got right trashed from the party last night" 

"Ya, but you need a party like that to celebrate a win like that!", replied Cole.

"What did you dweebs think of the game?", asked Tex.

Brayden and Aiden just nodded nervously, and mumbled nonsense in agreement. 

Cole changed the topic. "We need to meet my cousin to do the beer run, he won't deliver it now. I don't think we want to be seen in public with these losers. I can't have them getting in trouble. Let's tie them up in the basement to keep them safe. They will have lots of time to clean when we get back". 

Strangely, neither Tex nor Mitch seemed to think that this was a strange suggestion. 

Tex grabbed Brayden and put him in a headlock, and marched him toward the basement stairs. The giant football player's armpit smelled awful. Mitch effortlessly picked up Aiden by the front waistband of his dark blue boxer briefs and followed his teammate. Cole took a different approach with Owen, forcing the nerd to crawl across the sizable suburban house on his hands and knees, with the waistband of his stretched out briefs still hooked on his forehead.  

The three freshmen were taken through the basement to Cole's bedroom. The room was trashed, and smelled like a school locker room mixed with a dumpster. There was dirty clothes everywhere, a pile of dirty dishes on the dresser, swimsuit model posters on the walls and sports trophies and metals everywhere. Brayden wondered if Cole ever brought girls here. What kind of girl would want to go in there? 

Cole brought a box from the closet, and dumped it out on the bed. A mountain of duct tape, coils of rope, rolls of pallet wrap, and zip ties fell out. Mitch grabbed three hockey sticks leaning up in the corner of the room. Brayden began to wonder what they had gotten themselves into. 

"Who's first?" asked Cole. All three Freshmen stayed quiet and nervously avoided eye contact. 

"Ok, you're up, Thompson '', ordered the senior, as he pulled Aiden closer by his shirt. As soon as Cole turned him around facing away, Aiden tensed up, knowing what was coming next. Cole dug his fingers down the back of the tiny teens sweatpants, latching on to the waistband of his captain america boxer-briefs. "I have been waiting a long time for this, twirp!" exclaimed Cole, as he yanked the nerdy undies to Aiden's shoulders. The freshman let out a few grunts and moans of pain, but refused to give his bullies the satisfaction of seeing him scream or crying. Then Cole began fishing one of the hockey sticks through Aiden's shirt sleeves, then through the leg holes of the stretched out underwear, and out the other sleeve. Cole then wrapped his victims' balled up fists in layers of sticky tape. Next he secured Aiden's wrists to the hockey stick with zip ties. Cole and Mitch continued to secure Aiden's knees and ankles together thoroughly with zip ties, followed by a ridiculous amount of pallet wrap.    

Owen recognized the scarecrow wedgie all too well. His older brother Mark loved to give them to him from time to time. It was one of the many forms of torment that the mean sibling used to terrorize Owen with. 

Tex started the same process on Brayden, while Mitch and Cole took care of Owen. Soon all three boys were identically bound, then carefully laid down on the floor to avoid falling and hurting themselves. Cole found three well worn football socks in the sea of dirty laundry. After knotting them in the middle, each senior used them to cleave gag a nerd. 

"That should keep you freaks under control while we are gone. We won't be long, so don't go doing something stupid that you will regret", warned Cole.  

As the Jocks left the room, Cole kicked a pair of dirty boxers right onto Aiden's face. "Take that, Bitch!" spat Cole. The rancid underwear wreaked of farts and sweaty balls. The small nerd tried his best to shake them off his face, with no success. 

Once the bedroom door was closed and locked, all the unfortunate trio could do is wait for their tormentors to return for more hell.

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