Chapter 171 ~ Dark High-Orc King

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AN: Action!!! Action-packed chapter!!! I hope you guys enjoy this week's update~!!!!! Wish all of you a great day and week ahead of all of us~!!!!!!!!!

"Leon has gone to protect the Holy Country from a tribe of High Orcs and a dark high orc king!?"

In a private meeting room that the king urgently prepared when Vyra arrived with urgent news, King Arthur, Prime Minister Darius, Royal Guard Commander Verand, Princess Aria, and the princess's personal guard Iris looked at Vyra who had just conveyed Leon's message in shock.

Freya had conveyed this message to Vyra and the rest of the girls aside from Jeanne. She had also asked Vincent and Victoria, who knew more about this case since they're going with Leon, what they're going to fight and asked Vyra to convey the situation to Aria, Iris, and the royal family as per Leon's request.

Everyone in this room knew very well of Leon's true capability, as well as the capabilities of the two individuals who accompanied him. However, they still couldn't help but become worried.

Arthur was tremendously astonished the first time they heard it, but after having the time to ruminate the situation for a few moments, he realized a few points that would explain why he would do such a thing.

"Did Leon go to protect the country that worships his mother?"

"I believe so. My liege has never explicitly said so, but Freya assumed that was the reason from the determined gaze he gave his mother before he left."

"I see. Though they have quite a number of powerful holy knights and paladins, the scale of the threat they're facing now was much more that the Holy Country could handle. If Leon didn't go, their fate would most likely be the same as ours if Leon didn't defeat that Behemoth that appeared near Lingenia."

Darius, Verand, Aria, and Iris fell into silence, unable to deny the truth of their king's words.

But just then, Darius realized something and turned towards Vyra.

"Lady Vyra. You've said that Leon has gone to the Holy Country, but I wonder what mode of transportation would he be using to arrive there in time? There is a great distance between Arcland and the Holy country. Even on a fast horse without taking any rest, one would need at least a week to cover such distance."

"My liege uses a spatial bending spell that allows those around him to teleport instantly to a place he had seen before. It is called <<Gate>>."


Arthur, Darius, and Verand all exclaimed in shock, much more than when they received the news that Leon was going to the Holy Country.

In contrast, Aria and Iris weren't as surprised since they were aware of Leon's ability to cast such legendary spells that should've only existed in fairy tales.

"T-This is... truly shocking. But... Judging from his actions, I could guess what that future son-in-law of mine is thinking..."

The king sighed deeply and massaged the bridge of his nose with his index and thumb. What a future son-in-law he has.

"Eh? What do you think, father?"

"...Before that. I would like to ask. Did Leon teleport only himself, Vincent, and Victoria? Or did he teleport the knights of the holy kingdom as well?

"According to Rafael and Alex who witnessed the entire scene, it seems my liege cast <<Gate>> to transport everyone, including the knights of the holy kingdom."

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