Chapter 137.2 ~ Irene's Feelings

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~!!! Have a great day and week ahead of you~!!!

Irene let out a sigh once more as she exited the lavatory. She had been spending quite a while inside, trying to sort out her feelings, but to no avail. Her heart was still lathered with prickling sensations from the thoughts of being unable to be by Leon's side.

Leon was getting further and further from her every day. He was a teacher, though temporary, in her academy, but this relationship wouldn't close the distance between them. It was simply a professional relationship between the headmistress and one of the many teachers in the academy. And while she was considered one of Leon's close acquaintances, her position was no different than Silverio or Darius. Even her little sister was arguably closer to him than she was, being as she had worked and known Leon much longer than her. She had nothing, no special relationship whatsoever that would allow her to become more than a close acquaintance to Leon.

However, despite knowing this, she couldn't help but be drawn to him. Her heart skipped a beat for the first time when she saw him teaching the students wholeheartedly. She would begin feeling bashful whenever Leon was in her close proximity. She would find herself becoming increasingly nervous for no reason when she would be meeting Leon and would spend much longer choosing her wardrobe. Before she knew it, she was already drawn to him, and after Misteltein's grand opening, she realized that she had fallen in love.

She knew that Freya, Lily, Vyra, Aria, and Iris were all aware of her feelings. In fact, they were the ones who helped her realize her feelings from the conversation they had during the grand opening. But, even if they encourage her if the person himself didn't share the same feelings, then it will all be for naught.

Just what could she do...? What could she do for Leon to turn his attention to her?

She was lost in her thoughts. Not even the cold sensation from the marbled floor that touched her bare feet could make her stray away from her worries. But then, she felt a familiar magical presence approaching her. Irene raised her head and saw Lily approaching her with a kind and gentle smile.


"Hehe, hello Irene. Did you just return from the lavatory?"

For some reason, Irene became slightly flustered. She began combing her flowing crimson hair over her left shoulder out of nervousness.

"Y-Yes. The lavatory at the end of the hall is free now."

"Thank you. But I'm not here to go to the lavatory."


Lily approached closer and took both of Irene's hands in her.

"Let's have a talk, shall we?"

"W-What would you like to talk about, Lily?"

"Hehehe~ Of course, it's about Leon~"


"Hehehe~ Let's go somewhere refreshing to talk, okay~?"

"E-Eh? W-Wait, Lily!"

Lily led Irene by her hand to an open balcony. The chilling night wind welcomed them the moment Lily opened the window glass door, but before they could feel its coldness, a mantle of fire appeared and protected them from the chill. The <<Fire Mantle>> Irene cast was a defensive intermediate ranked fire spell that would protect the user from magic attacks and projectiles. She had cast this silently with a short chant the moment Lily opened the door outside. Thus, despite being only dressed in pajamas, they felt very warm.

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