Chapter 155 ~ Bright Red

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AN: AnyLight Novel Recommendations??? Pleeeeeease!!! LNs with romance, comedy, and light plot would be nice. Harem, fantasy, etc would also be nice, but I like normal romance in highschool stuff all the same. Need to find inspiration XD!!!!

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With a long and eventful history, the kingdom of Bestia is filled with unique and fascinating cultures and traditions. One of them being one of the most famous events in the world that can only be enjoyed in Bestia in a certain season.

The Cherry Blossoms Viewing Festival.

It is an extremely popular and grand event for everyone in Bestia as both locals and tourists would want to enjoy the breathtaking sceneries of the pink cherry blossom trees and cherry blossom petals swaying down gracefully with the wind. It was a truly mythical scenery, as expected from a kingdom with a history filled with mythical legends and stories.

Excitement and festivities now filled the royal capital of Bestia, Takamagahara, as everyone celebrated the Cherry BLossoms Viewing Festival.

The royal capital was already covered in beautiful pink cherry blossom petals despite being only at the start of the season, and the scenery had become even more beautiful than the previous years. All the citizens became even more excited as they all believed it to be blessings from the Goddess and the Divine Fox's first ancestor. It was a sign that they're protected by the divine ones from all the tragedies in the world, especially from the recent incidents with the "evil beasts" that had been appearing around the kingdom.

There are many scenic places around Bestia, especially Takamagahara, around this time of the year. The best sightseeing places were maintained by the government and became tourist spots. Most were made into a park or garden where tourists and locals can reserve a spot and also enjoy the festivals that were usually held close by.

Every year, the Royal Family of Bestia would also participate in this celebration and festival by going around some of the parks and meeting the kingdom's citizens. Since members of the Royal Family were greatly revered by the citizens, the parks they would visit would always be packed with people who wished to catch a glimpse of the royalties.

Because of this, the Royal Family would do their own private celebration beforehand so they could relax and fully immerse themselves in the transiently beautiful scenery.

The park where they will hold their private cherry blossom viewing was one privately managed and maintained by the royal family themselves. It was the most famous and popular park, reverently named after the divine fox's first ancestor and founder of this kingdom, Amenominakanushi Garden.

Needless to say, the person herself blushed and became embarrassed when Celestine found out about the name of the park they'll be visiting.

The morning of the cherry blossoms viewing event, all the girls, even Izanami, Amenominakanushi, and Celestine, had gathered in Amaterasu's room to help each other in their preparations. Because of the presence of the first ancestor and the Goddess, Amaterasu and Izanami had dismissed all their personal and other servants except for Miya, telling them that they wouldn't need their help. At first, the servants insisted on helping them as well as the guests, but after Izanami told them they wanted to take their time and enjoy preparing themselves for this private special occasion, they all finally relented.

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