Chapter 239 ~ A Step Forward

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Upon finishing the extended meeting with Freya, Alex, Lilith, Drakon, and Bellona, Leon returned to his guest room, sat on the couch, and began going through his notes regarding the divine seals from the lessons with his mother.

He was very close to mastering it after all the time and effort he had poured into learning this, especially in the last few months. He was just a bit away from being able to recreate the divine seal his mother cast upon the demon lord of wrath...

He held his notes in his right hand and occasionally waved his left hand in the air, weaving magic circles that combined into an intricate, complex, yet beautiful spherical structure, a miniature, three-dimensional representation of the divine seal.

He examined the structure of the golden sphere floating in his hand, looking back and forth between it and his notes, and occasionally waving his hand again to modify a part of it before repeating the process over and over until he was satisfied.

Just then, a knock came on his door.

Leon looked up towards it, slightly surprised as he missed the approaching presence from focusing too much on his training. But after recognizing the magical signature of the knocker, Leon gave them permission to come in.

The door opened slowly, and from behind it, the beautiful, curvaceous figure of the demon lord of sloth clad in pure white long dress appeared peeking out from the door, her long, glimmering jet-black hair covering most of her face and eyes.

"...Excuse me. Am I bothering you?"

A smile appeared on his face as her beautiful, soft, whispery voice reached him. Leon shook his head.

"No. I'm just reviewing the lessons I have with my mother about the divine seal. Please, take a seat."

"...Thank you."

With slow, light steps, Sonia slowly made her way to him and joined him on the couch right to his left.

She watched him silently as he returned his focus to his notes and the golden sphere in his hand.

The warm feeling in her heart, that she had learned to be love from Freya and the others, appeared once again and made her recall Lilith's advice.

If I want to get closer to him... I must become bolder... and attack!

Slowly scooting over to him, Sonia felt her heart beat faster and faster. And after they were shoulder to shoulder, Sonia leaned to her side and rested her head on his shoulder.


"...I hope you don't mind."

She could feel Leon's body flinch for a moment. And in that instance, she felt a bit worried that he wouldn't like her leaning on him while he was seriously doing his best with his training.

But soon, she felt his body relaxing and a soft, gentle voice reassuring her.

"...No, not at all."

Her lips curled into a small smile, relieved, and she began closing her eyes, enjoying his warmth and presence that felt as comfortable as her bed.

Leon took the notes from his right hand to his left and began recreating the mini three-dimensional representation of the divine seal with his right to keep the left arm Sonia was leaning on from moving too much.

Silence fell upon the room once again as Leon failed to brush of the slightly awkward atmosphere in the room. He didn't know if he was the only one feeling this way, but he couldn't shake away his nervousness from suddenly being in this situation with Sonia.

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