Chapter 174 ~ Informing Yves

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AN: Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~!!!!! Wish you all a great day and week ahead of you~!!!!

Rumors about a monster invasion in the Holy Country had finally reached the royal capital of Arcadia.

It was big news the moment it arrived and spread very quickly through the word of mouths alone. It was no surprise. The Holy Country, though not strongest military-wise, has Holy Knights and various magical artifacts that worked well against monsters. And the fact that they suffered quite a tremendous loss was a testament to how disastrous the monster invasion was.

Though nothing was confirmed, the rumors seemed to assume that the Holy Country was attacked by a large tribe of High-Orcs along with its king. Losing a city or two would be the best possible outcome for even Arcland, and it seemed the Holy Country did lose a few cities and villages to the invasion.

Accompanying this rumor were rumors about the royal family of Arcland preparing to send aid to the Holy Country. This endeavor seemed to be supported by many nobles and high-profiled merchants, making it big news to nobles and the common people alike.

In the busiest street of Arcadia, where the marketplace and the Adventurer's guild were located, these rumors were discussed extensively between stall owners and shopkeepers with their patrons. The adventurers, who would normally be drinking their life away in the middle of the day or idling in the guildhall, were all trying to find out more about this monster invasion and the possibility of it coming to Arcland.

The normally merry guildhall was now filled with conversations about the Holy Country's monster invasion until a certain group of people arrived.

The large, wooden double doors opened with a slight creak, revealing the figures all adventurers, especially in Arcland, had considered legends.

All noises died down the moment a man with a pair of distinctive crimson eyes, jet-black hair, and handsome face in a jet-black overcoat entered the guildhall. Then following closely behind him were a group of people with stunning appearance.

They were unmistakable. It was the legendary and heroic party, the adventurer's party everyone yearned to be, Crimson Lightning. However, there seemed to be two people they've never seen before. But judging by how close they were with Crimson Lightning, everyone immediately assumed they were Crimson Lightning's newest party members.

All, who were in their path, made way, causing the [Dark Hero] to seemingly part the sea by simply walking. Each and every person in the guildhall, including the receptionists, all stopped and admired the legendary party in awe. To see all members of the legendary party together first-hand was extremely rare and it was something they will not miss.

Leon, Freya, and the others aside from Mia and Rafael seemed to be unperturbed by the stares and attention they're receiving. They've been the center of attention since they alighted from the carriage. They've also received the attention of a majority of people in the marketplace.

Leon walked forward silently, ignoring everything around him, with his little sister hand in hand, while the girls, Alex, Rafael, and Vincent had their own conversation.

Reaching the administrative table, Leon approached a male receptionist who was standing stiff in awe and disbelief that the [Dark Hero] himself was before him. His name was Danny, and just like his fellow colleagues and everyone in this guildhall, he was well aware of all the achievements the [Dark Hero] and Crimson Lightning had achieved.

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