Chapter 209 ~ To The Guild/Palace

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A void of complete silence filled one of the guest chambers of the Misteltein mansion.

It was the one belonging to the Demon Lord of Sloth that had been modified to her liking; a dark room dimly lit by floating purplish wisps, obsidian walls and floors with purple crackling vein-like patterns that pulsed with a dim purplish glow, and a single giant bed with immaculate white sheets at its center.

Laying on it was the Demon Lord of Sloth herself, a figure of great power as well as beauty, comparable even to the Demon Lord of Lust. The sight of her sleeping in peace, her disheveled obsidian hair spreading atop the pure white sheets and her enormous breasts rising up and down slowly, matching her breath, were indescribably beautiful and alluring. Like a Goddess resting peacefully in her deep slumber.

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of obsidian jewels that were her eyes.

She sat up slowly, a strap of her dress falling down her side and almost revealing one of her massive breasts, and looked around.

Her eyes scanned the entire room. She peered into it deeply, as if trying to look beyond the walls.

As she had expected, something was amiss. Something so important to her, enough to wake her up from her slumber, was missing...

Immediately, she contacted her sister through telepathy.

[...Where is Leon?]

[Oh my~ Good morning, Sonya~ Ufufufu~ Did you wake up because you felt something amiss~?]

Her frown only grew when she heard the tone of her voice. It was that she knew where Leon went and was simply teasing her.

Having just woken up, she wasn't in the mood for jokes.


[Fufufu~ I'm sorry. I was just teasing you~ After all, I feel very happy that your feelings for him had grown this much~]

Lilith's giggles that resounded within her mind made her pout. She was teasing her too much. She just wanted to know where he went.

[There's no need to worry~ Leon, Freya, Vyra, Lily, and jeanne all went to the palace to meet the rest of his lovers, ufufufu~ I wished they would invite me as well, but alas, I'm not there yet unfortunately.]

[...I see.]

Sonya lowered her gaze onto her milky thighs, falling into a deep thought. But then, Lilith's voice brought her back to attention.

[Do you want to go as well~?]

Her eyes widened for a moment. A strange uplifting feeling rose within her heart and she immediately nodded to her suggestion.


[Fufufu, then shall we ask for permission~?]


The royal capital branch Adventurer's guild located not far from the marketplace was filled with the voices of cheers, laughter, conversations, somberness, advertisement for parties, and clanking of wooden mugs and tableware hitting a plate, all matter of sounds that would usually be found in a tavern or bar during the night.

Adventurers are rowdy by nature, and this environment was already far better compared to the other branches in smaller cities, considering the lack of brawls and provoking shouts.

All adventurers within this guild were all relatively experienced on average, with the lowest being C-ranked adventurers. They wouldn't unnecessarily pick up any fights with other powerful adventurers, and there was also no reason for them to bully new adventurers. Or rather, it would only serve as a detriment for them to do such things.

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