Chapter 248 ~ Entrance

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The massive cavern entrance of the Dungeon of Wrath narrowed into a long, descending stairway of volcanic stone, leading anyone who entered it underground beneath the massive volcano itself.

Although narrower than the entrance, the stairway was still fairly wide and tall, allowing at least five people to stand side by side. And jutting out from the tall ceiling were stalagmites, but not one formed by deposited materials from ceiling drippings.

The tremendously hot air and heated stone and rocks of the cave didn't allowed for liquid to stay in its form for long. Instead, these stalagmites-like rock formations were formed from natural earthquakes or earthquakes caused by the rumbling of the monsters below. And as these rocks were jutted out of position, the hot wind that blew through this cave slowly eroded into the shape it is in now.

Just like in Grandeur Fantasia, these stairways connecting the floors of the dungeon were safe from monsters and the various hazardous environment. In the game, players would simply cross the stairway until they reach a certain threshold, in which they will immediatley arrive to the next floor after going through a loading screen.

However, in this world, these stairways are meant to be a save haven for challengers of the dungeon according to Lilith and Drakon.

It was an addition made by the Demon Lords when created their dungeon in case the people of the races wishes to challenge their dungeon. They were meant to be adversaries the people of the race could strive to overcome and become a source of motivation for improvement.

However, the denizens of this world didn't even came close to having the sort of strength capable of challenging even the first floor of their dungeon, at least until Leon and his player assistants appeared. Thus, as the Goddess suggested, the Demon Lords conceal their dungeon and their existence, and simply watch over the creations of the Goddess as they struggle against adversaries born from nature (monsters), and their own (war).

Despite being a save haven, Leon and Vyra kept their stealthy approach and moved in the shadows with barely any sound from their footsteps until they reached an opening at the bottom of the stairway.

Peeking through the edge after completely hiding his presence, Leon saw for the first time the interior of the Dungeon of Wrath in real life.

It was massive, far more massive than what he expected. Even though he had approximated the size of the cavern through the detailed 3D representation that Drakon had prepared, seeing such massive structure before him still took him aback slightly.

He could see streams of lava flowing down the ground from the high, rocky ceiling of the gigantic cavern and pools of magma surrounding treacherous grounds and islands of different sizes, some connected only by narrow passages in between to large bodies of boiling magma.

Quadrupedal beasts they expected such as direwolves and salamanders roamed the ground, while massive, reptilian creatures swam through the pools and sea of magma. Their bodies, just like the floor bosses they've fought in the last few months, were covered in crackling orange-red veins of glowing lava coursing through their hides and scales.

Leon cast a supporting spell, causing his eyes to shine green for a moment before turning gold. It was a level 70 skill that belonged to an advanced archer class, <<Eyes of Heaven>>, which increases accuracy and critical rate tremendously in Grandeur Fantasia. It costs quite a substantial amount of mana, considering the low amount of mana the archer class has. So it is normally used only during boss battles by players.

But to Leon, the mana cost of casting this spell was only a drop in the ocean compared to the benefits. After all, in this world, the spell didn't only give him a buff in accuracy and critical rate. It also allowed him to see much farther than usual, and when he used it in tandem with his divinity, his vision could stretch for hundreds of meters if there were no obstacles.

Grandeur Fantasia 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora