Chapter 255 ~ The Berserker

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The Berserker. The manifestation and embodiment of the madness of war stood at the center of the massive hellscape that is the seventh floor guardian's room.

Its massive, humanoid figure stood tall with bulging muscles enveloping its entire body. But instead of flesh and veins, its body was made of jet-black volcanic rock and its veins, flowing orange red lava that glowed through the cracks of its rocky body.

Two ashen black horns that glowed with orange-red hue from the lava that seeped through the cracks curved up from its head.

And instead of true eyes, nose, and maw, it had fractures and holes in the shape of narrow, sharp, devilish eyes, a jagged triangle for nose, and a long, thin, crescent-shaped fissure from ear to ear, giving it a permanent ferocious grin with sharp, jagged teeth for a maw, all shining bright red from the magma within.

Its torso far beyond towers over Leon and the others even at this distance. And four, muscular arms bulged out of its back in addition to the two from his shoulders, each pair holding a pair of axes, hammers, and swords in its clawed hands.

A low, guttural growl that seemed to echo from the very depths of hell resounded throughout the massive hellscape of a room the moment they entered the room of the seventh floor guardian of the Dungeon of Wrath.

Then, a loud boom and the sound of ground shattering under a massive weight resounded one after another as the Berserker slowly rose to its feet.

The awakening phase in which floor guardians would get ready for battle and prepare their attacks was something Leon and the others had been exploiting during all their previous battles against the floor guardians. In Grandeur Fantasia, it was a cutscene portraying their awakening which will be played at the start of all floor guardian encounters and players won't be able to attack it. But things were different in this world.

During this phase, they will not unleash any attacks, which would give Leon and the others a little time to have the Demon Lords run to safety and go into their formation or even inflict damage without the fear of retaliation during that small period of time.

The seventh floor guardian, the Berserker, was the most aggressive floor guardian, and true to its origin and nature, it also had the shortest "awakening phase" compared to all other floor guardians.

However, it still wouldn't unleash an attack onto them right away even if they had triggered its awakening by entering the boss room.

The duration of its "awakening phase" was too short for the demon lords' group to get to safety and Leon's group to get into formation, even if they were to go right away.

And if the Berserker charged at them while they were still going into their formation, there was a risk that the Berserker would randomly choose to attack the backliners. If that happened, a great danger might befall upon them before Victoria or Leon could get to it and take its attention.

Thus, there was only one way to do it. Take its attention before it chooses its target randomly.

Victoria wouldn't be able to get in range for her taunt before it starts its attack with her speed. So, with all of his physical and magical prowess strengthened by Charlotte and Freya's spells, Leon charged forward with tremendous speed straight towards the seventh floor guardian.

His golden book of <<Genesis>> glowed brightly in golden radiance that resembled the undulating golden aura that surrounded his White Fox form, leaving behind a streak of golden light in his wake.

And the moment he arrived within range of his most powerful offensive light element spell, he held his hand forward and cast.

"<<Spell: Light of Heaven, Holy Ray>>!"

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