Chapter 244 ~ Power of the Demon Lord of Gluttony

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The next morning.

Everyone of Crimson Lightning along with Irene and Laura gathered in the training grounds beneath the Misteltein Mansion, ready with their battle gears and stood on one side of the grounds.

Vivian and Bellona stood a few distance away from them, while the rest of the demon lords and the Goddess stood on the perimeter of the training grounds to supervise their training.

"T-Then, I will be summoning Rathalos now!"

"Mm. Thank you for your help."


Vivian squeaked out a reply to Leon and raised her hands forward.

A light green magic circle formed on the ground, and from its center, a featureless, faceless, humanoid white doll of smooth, shiny material with immaculate surface rose, standing at around 2 meters tall.

Then with a thunderous blare and blinding light, the white doll shattered and its form enlarged into a giant humanoid monster with the body of a giant ape or gorilla, scars and crackling veins of glowing crimson magma coursing all over it, a combination of an ape and bull for a head with giant bottom fangs protruding out of its jaw, and giant obsidian horns with the crackling veins of crimson magma, protruding out horizontally and curving down at the end.

Its arms, legs, and head were covered in dark crimson fur, and running along its back, a streak of bright red flames burned furiously. Its eyes glowed fiercely as it planted both of its thick, mammoth size arms in front of Leon, Rafael, and Victoria, who served as vanguards.

Bursts of flames escaped its mouth as the second floor boss of the Dungeon of Wrath, the Ancient Flaming Beast Rathalos breathed heavily before them.

Despite the hulking monstrosity and extremely intimidating presence of the flaming beast, Leon and the others were used to such monstrosity after fighting at least one floor boss every day for the past few months. They didn't even flinch before it. Not even Rafael, Mia, and Lily, who were arguably the weakest amongst the group.

"Well dooooone, Viviiii~ You did such a great joooob~"

"E-Ehehehe~ Thank you, Bell."

Vivian nuzzled into Bellona's hand as she petted her head softly. Then, Bellona extended her small lithe hands towards the humongous flaming beast.

All of a sudden, the ancient flaming beast burst into an even larger, raging flame as its figure enlarged. The crackling veins of crimson magma that flowed on its skin glowed brightly. Its obsidian horns grew reder and brighter like intensely heated iron.

It let out a deafening roar as its entire body convulsed, twitched, and flexed, before tightening and bursting with power.

This time, Leon and the others immediately readied their weapon, their eyes fully focused on the beast as they realized, this would not be the same Rathalos they've faced a number of times before.

Not only had its physicality seemed more powerful, but its magic presence has also skyrocketed. In terms of raw strength and magic, this Rathalos might surpass even the highest level floor boss they've ever faced during their training.

"Now theeeeen~ I've given it the "Blessings of the Demon Lord of Wrath", making it as strong as they would be in his dungeooonn~ And I've also cast "Overboost", increasing their level slightly to match the level of the floor bosses in deeper floooooors~"

Hearing her words, Jeanne, who stood by Celestine and Lilith's side couldn't help but exclaim her surprise and confusion.

"Eh?! H-How could Bellona use the power of the Demon Lord of Wrath...? I-Isn't she the demon lord of Gluttony?"

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