Chapter 154 ~ Premonition of a Storm

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AN: Hey guys~!!! Here once again with another update~!! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!

The next morning, Izanagi, Tsukuyomi, Leon, and Aria met for a discussion once more to settle the last few details for the alliance between Arcland and Bestia as well as the opening of Misteltein's branch in this kingdom.

Using his connections, Tsukuyomi had prepared a nice building for Misteltein located in a strategic place between the noble's district and the regular citizen's circle, just as Leon had requested. Not only was it a place where both nobles and commoners often visit, it was also near a large road with a lot of traffic, making it a perfect location for companies and shops with products targeted for both nobles and commoners.

The only things left that needed to be done before Misteltein could do a grand opening was installing all the necessary equipment to the building itself, renovating it, and most importantly, finding employees and training them.

Preparing the building was simple. All the necessary equipment to produce Misteltein products could all be easily transported and renovating it to suit the company could be easily done with the help of Bestia's royal family. The hardest hurdle for opening a branch in Bestia would be hiring new employees.

For this, Misteltein executives, including Leon, Freya, Vincent, Victoria, Fina, and Eric would be conducting intensive interview sessions in order to make sure of the ability, credibility, and trustworthiness of their future employees. Though the higher-ups who'll be managing this new branch store will obviously be those Fina and Eric trust and who have proven themselves to be capable of handling their jobs, it would still be better to have more employees who are dependable to lessen their workload.

Tsukuyomi had already prepared a list of employees with potential, but even they had to go through an interview session before they were hired. And even then, they would still need to be trained further since Misteltein operates under a different business and management concept that is alien to this world. However, that wouldn't be a problem as Fina and Eric had already prepared "Mentors" to teach and train the new employees, not only in regards to business, management, and accounting but also self-defense techniques.

After they've all come to an agreement, the meeting ended right in time for lunch.

Miya, who's now been put in charge of the well beings of the honored guests from Arcland, came right after the meeting ended to inform everyone that lunch has been prepared. Due to her closeness with Izanami as well as Amaterasu, the responsibility naturally falls onto Miya and she accepted it with pleasure.

After all, she'd be able to see her little princess's adorable expressions when she's with her destined man. There was no better reward than that for her~ Especially since she'd be able to obtain materials to tease the little fox princess later on~

When they arrived at the dining hall, Izanami, Amaterasu, Freya, and everyone else who didn't join the meeting had already arrived and were currently talking with each other. And to their surprise, Amenominakanushi and Celestine were also there!


"Oh my~ Good work on the meeting~ We've been waiting for you~"

Leon, Aria, Izanagi, and Tsukuyomi all froze at the door. Why were the first ancestor and the Goddess of the world here?! Shouldn't their presences be kept a secret?

Leon and Aria glanced towards Miya who was standing there silently with her hands together in front of her and a soft smile on her face. Even though she has a very close relationship with members of the royal family, was it truly fine to reveal the first ancestor and the Goddess's existence to her?

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