Torment & Plans

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Severus sat curled in a ball inside an abandoned classrooms closet, his slight frame shaking in sobs and hiccups.

The young Fae's hair was an eye searing neon green and his cloths were transfigured into a muggle clown suit in the colors of garish hot pink and yellow, clashing horribly with his hair.

Severus felt like someone was digging his heart out from his chest as he remembered the events that led to him ending up here.


Severus was actually having a pretty decent day.

The maruaders had thankfully ignored him since the semester started and although a part of him did want his mates' attention the Fae didn't want what that attention usually would garner.

Mainly him being humiliated in some way.

Now that he knew they were his mates Severus  was even more unwilling to accept that type of abuse from them, so he avoided them as much as he could, making sure to wear his take his blocking potion, not wanting Lupin to scent him.

Unfortunately the weeks of peace came to an end when Severus was eating his breakfast that morning.

The young Fae had been peacefully eating when people began pointing at him and laughing.

Dread had filled him and he quickly summoned a mirror only to find himself looking like a complete fool.

"I always knew Snivelous was a clown! Honestly it's an improvement! After all clowns are made to be laughed at and the greasy git is always good for a good laugh!"

Severus had to bite his tongue to keep an agony filled wail from escaping his throat as Sirius's words rang out over the jeers, cackling with the other marauders.

Suddenly Severus couldn't breath, his vision misted and he just couldn't handle it.

Severus stood and bolted out of the hall trying to ignore the mocking and cheers as he fled.

End of flashback

That is how Severus found himself having a fit in the storage closet of an abandoned classroom.

It had only been when he shut the door and was consumed in darkness that he had broken down.

Screams and sobs had racked his willow like frame and it had felt like someone had stabbed him in the gut, twisting the knife every time he thought of what had happened.

Severus hated how much those words and actions had hurt!

He had already made up his mind not to acknowledge those hooligans as mates, but their mocking and cruelty seemed to hit him harder then before!

Even bringing him to tears and making him sob like a girl who had just had her heart broken!

He was disgusted with himself, but the young Fae couldn't stop the tears until what seemed like hours later when he fell quite, to exhausted to even move and eventually falling asleep in the dark, dusty closet.

When he woke again thankfully his clothes had changed back and his hair had faded to a forest green color instead of the toxic green it had been.

This didn't cheer Severus though, he just sat in the dark of the closet for awhile more, his thoughts floating and swirling in his head as he tried to pull himself back together.

Piece by broken piece Severus put himself back together, that was what he was good at after all, being broken and fixing himself, over and over again.

Severus knew he shouldn't have hoped, he knew they wouldn't have left him alone, but he had let himself hope, that maybe, just maybe.

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