Headmaster & Fear

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The first thing Severus became aware of was the sound of muted voices.

The young Fae was confused for a moment, wondering who was speaking.

Lifting his heavy eyelids, Severus was momentarily unable to focus his eyes and he blinked, trying to clear them as the voices fell silent and a pair of footsteps neared him.

Turning his head, the young man was greeted with the sight of Madame Pomfrey and headmaster Dumbledore approaching him.

Looking around, Severus saw that he was in the infirmary and with that realization came the memories of what happened.

Severus felt numb, to much in shock to even try and process the fact he had just barely escaped dying a second time.

His mates had tried to kill him.

Seeming not to notice Severus' state of shock, Madame Pomfrey spoke to the headmaster as the two stopped at the foot of his bed.

"Now really headmaster! Must you do this now? Mr. Snape has just woken up and I'm sure has had quite the fright!" She said, dissatisfaction evident as she frowned at her employer.

The headmaster sighed, giving the woman an apologetic look.

"I'm afraid not Poppy. The situation must be handled before it gets out of control and it is best to clear it up as soon as possible." He said gravely.

Severus just blinked at them, his sluggish mind not quite understanding what they were talking about.

The Medi witch didn't seem to be pleased, but no longer protested, only saying.

"He needs more rest, but he should be alright to return to classes by lunch. I've already given him a calming draught, but try not to upset him." With that the witch moved away.

Once she was gone, the headmaster turned his focus to the young Fae still lying on the bed.

The gaze made the hairs on the back of Severus' neck stand on end and despite the forced calm of the draught and numbness from shock the young man felt anger start to simmer beneath the surface.

Severus had not spoken to the headmaster since he last begged the man to let him remain at Hogwarts for the summer and the last time he had seen him was from out of his bedroom window.

The young Fae had watched through the dirty glass as the old fool convinced the aurors Severus had called, that Severus was over exaggerating and that he and his father had simply had a misunderstanding.

Severus had watched as the aurors and headmaster left.

Watched as his Tobias returned to the house, face nearly purple in rage.

Watched the enraged man enter his room.

Watched as the huge fist of his abuser headed for his face in the first series of blows that would end in him dying in a puddle of his own blood.

Severus had been deliberately avoiding thinking about what Dumbledore had done and avoided anything that would have him interact directly with the old man.

He knew if he did then he might snap.

The fact that Severus would ruin his plans and dreams if he acted against the man was the only reason that he had been able to contain his rage at seeing the man almost every day.

But now, being so close to Dumbledore, the only thing keeping him from exploding was the calming draught in his system.

After a moment of just looking at him the old man sighed once again.

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