Shopping & Run-ins

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Severus arrived at Madame Milkin's with a bit of difficulty as the streets were full and bustling with wizards, but he managed to make it without much hassle. Entering, Severus didn't bother the already busy shop hands as he headed straight for the pre prepared cloth racks and started leafing through the ones that were close to his measurements. Fitted clothes cost more then he was willing to pay and he was sick of second hand clothes. The Mauraders and other students had always mocked him about it. He quickly shook those thoughts away as they lead to thoughts about the incident. Focusing back on his shopping, Severus picked out two white button downs, three black button downs, five pairs of black slacks, a decent black open front robe, another green closed robe, and a new pair of black cow leather boots, which were cheeper then dragon hide. The young Fae also made sure to grab seven new pairs of underwear, so he can get rid of the filthy looking ones Tobias had given him when he was eleven. They had been huge for an eleven year old and had already been used, but Severus was forced to wear them or go commando, which he sometimes had to as out of the five he had, only one survived both Tobias and his bullies. Finished with his clothes shopping, Severus got into the short line in front of the counter, awaiting his turn. Thankfully the teller minding the counter was quick and he was soon placing his shopping on the counter to be wrung up. "I hope you found everything you were looking for?" The teller asked. She was about Severus' age, maybe a little older. 'This is most likely her summer job.' Severus thinks to himself. "I found everything." He said cooly as his new clothes were wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine. "Good! That will be 8 galleons and 4 sickels." She said. Severus gave her nine galleons and took the change before grabbing his bundle and leaving the store. Moving off to a side ally Severus placed the bundle in his trunk, pursing his lips as he realised it would be a hassle to drag it along behind him. After a moment Severus sighed as he realised there was nothing for it and headed out to his next shop. The apothecary. He knew he couldn't get much with the budget he had set, but he got all the ingredients to make some skin and hair potions he had created for his mother the year before. He swallowed as he remembered that she never got to use them, but firmly pushed the thought away and payed for everything. Severus' next stop was a magical food store called Farm Fondled and he stocked up on non perishables as he didn't know if the cottage had a cooling cuppered. Having gotten everything he was in need of Severus decided to look around, feeling the need to relish his freedom a bit more. He walked around the Ally, window shopping and finding neat little shops he's never noticed before. He paused in front of the Quinndich store, looking at the latest broom as it floated on display in the window. The young Fae had wanted a broom when he was little, he had been ecstatic when in his first year he had gotten the chance to ride one in the form of first year flying lessons, but by that time he had already gained the ire of Potter and his goons. Severus had been so proud of himself when he was one of the first people to get the broom into his hand, bit as he had mounted it and was getting ready to move forwards he had been hit with a tickling charm. For most it would have made them laugh, but for Severus it hurt as it pressed over the healing wounds that Tobias had given him in his goodbye beating. Severus had screamed and lost control of his broom, he had tried to let go, but found his hands glued to the broom shaft. Madame Hooch had called for him to stop, but he couldn't, having lost complete control. All he had remembered next was blurred colors, sickening jerks, and then pain. Later he found out from Lily that his broom had death bombed from forty five feet and crashed head long into the pitch. The only thing that had saved Severus was the spells woven into the field and Madame Hooch's slowing charm she had cast when she saw he wasn't going to pull up. Potter had come to him while he was still bed bound and with a mocking smirk told him that of he had told him to leave Lily alone and this is what happened when he didn't listen. He still remembered that conversation clearly.


Severus had tried to tell someone, but Dumbledore refused to believe it and said it was simply the brooms charms failing. Severus never flew on a broom again, not by choice, but every time he would try to mount one he would find himself nearing a panic attack, so he stopped trying. He could still remember the moment before that charm had hit, when his feet had just left the ground and just for that moment he had felt free, but like every good thing in his life it was ruined. Taken and sullied until it was nothing like the beautiful thing it once was. Severus was pulled out of his thoughts by booming, bark like laughter that was cut off by a grunt and suddenly the young Fae found himself hitting the display window, he flailed as he bounced off the glass but, found himself being dragged down to the cobblestone street. Severus grunted as he landed on his back, his hood falling from his head and then let out a huff as someone's lower half fell on top of his, but luckily the person managed to catch themselves and avoided crushing the young man by placing a hand on either side of his head. Severus blinked in a slight daze as he looked into two stormy grey pools that were staring back at him in shock, but quickly gained a mischievous twinkle that was frighteningly familiar. So familiar in fact that it snapped Severus out of his daze and fear slowly started to crawl to his throat as he recognized just who was on top of him. "Well, well, well." Sirius Black purred. "Hello there little pretty, I would apologize but then I'd be apologizing for falling for you and that would be lie I could never utter to such a pure being like you little pretty." Black said smoothly, a flirtatious smirk on his handsome face. (Bris/ Okay....I'm gonna be honest. I have NEVER flirted or smoothed talked. With anybody! So if this is shitty and seems like I don't know how to flirt it's because I don't!) Severus felt his brain short circuit and to his later denial, he blushed what he was sure was a very ugly red, but was in fact a cute pink over his his nose and cheeks. No one had ever sweet talked him before and he was to stunned and completely caught off guard to even raise his mental shields. Black chuckled at the blush and to Severus' horror leaned in further. Severus' logical brain screamed at him to shove Black off of him and hex the good looking bastard into the next century, ministry letter or no, but his body was completely non responsive, he was frozen under the Black heir. "What's wrong little pretty? Niffler got your tongue?" The teen on top of him teased. "Indeed it must be a niffler as they only cling to the most precious things and I'm sure that beyond your perfect lips lay treasure waiting to be plundered." Black smooth talked, a seductive smile falling onto his lips, once again leaving Severus speechless. The young Fae had heard rumors of Sirius's legendary silver tongue, but to be on the receiving end of such shameless words left him feeling flustered and unable to gather any other thought then. 'OH. MY. MERLIN!' on repeat. Severus opened his mouth, but closed it again when it dawned on him that he didn't have anything to say, the action causing Black to chuckle. Hearing the familiar laughter, although softer and more husky then the usual mocking tone he was used to snapped Severus back to reality a bit. He realized that Black didn't recognize him and as any good man whore would, he was just trying to get the new beauty he found into his bed to discard in the morning. Severus felt anger rise in him and he glared at the older boy above him, unknowingly giving Black fantasies about those fire filled black pearls lit with lust as he took him on silken sheets, but although he didn't know the thoughts he felt the evidence of them pressing against his thigh. Severus' eyes widen as he realised that it wasn't Black's wand that he was feeling. Gasping in outrage Severus shoved Black off of him. "You absolute pervert!" Severus hissed as he scrambled to his feet. Black blinked as he found himself looking at the sky, but quickly got onto his elbows to watch Severus brush himself off, a smirk on his lips. "Oh come now little pretty." He said as he smoothly stood and carefully advanced on the young Fae like he was a frightened animal. "What do you expect when your very existence inspires the deepest of emotions and urges? One can not expect me to be any less the man that I am when faced with such an exquisite entity as you. I can only offer my humblest plea that you will not find the longing of my flesh an insult, but proof that my desire for you is indeed very strong." He said, grabbing Severus' hand and placing a bowing kiss on his knuckles. The young Fae stiffened and felt his blasted cheeks heat up once again at the words being said. "You, you shameless neanderthal! Do you expect me to believe such worthless drivel!?" The young man snapped, having enough and wanting to get away from his bully, turned unknowing admirer. "And humble? Hah! Just how many others have experienced your 'humblest plea that they not find the longing of your flesh as an insult, but proof that your desire for them is indeed strong'? Quote un quote. I am not a fool you uncouth hellion and you will just have to take those 'emotions and urges' that you say I inspire and find some desperate soul that is oblivious to the absolute shit that you just projectile vomited in my direction! Now! If you will excuse me, I need to bathe in acid. Good day." With that verbal tongue lashing, leaving Severus to feel somewhat lightheaded and giddy, the young Fae turned from the shocked Black. Grabbing his trunk Severus whispered. "Home." And was swept away in a swirl of colors.

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