Extra: Zoo-day

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Severus nearly jumped out of his skin when his dorm room door burst open, reflexively drawing his wand.

Before the young Fae could blink, he was disarmed, grabbed, forcefully dressed via spell, and all but thrown from his dorm building.

Once outside, Severus could finally take in what was happening as his assailants dragged him across campus.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" He snarled, heart still racing from unexpected assault in his dorm room.

Paula ignored his harsh words skillfully as she and Vanessa manhandled him towards the front gate.

Severus was about to demand answers again when he was quiet literally, thrown off campus.

Flailing, the young Fae was able to keep from face planting do to his inheritance, but couldn't quite regain his balance before he fell into a someone else's arms.

Straightening, the ravenett whipped around like a snake, teeth bared in annoyance.

"Paula! Vanessa!" He snapped in irritation, ignoring Cameron as he snickered behind him.

"Oh shush! You've been inside to long and studying to hard! It's time for a break! We have to go abduc, ahem, I mean retrieve the rest of the boys and then we're all set!" Paula said, a mischievous grin on her lips.

"See ya later Sevy!" Vanessa yelled over her shoulder, already stalking back into campus, flipping him the bird.

Whirling back around, Severus was met with the sight of Cameron raising his hands in surrender.

"I have nothing to do with this! They somehow got into my dorm room and the next thing I know I'm being told to stay here or else! Oh, and Paula told me to tell you this, and I quote 'Don't even think about going back to study. We have hidden all your supplies and access cards for the library. The only way you will get them back is hanging out with us.' End quote." He said quickly.

Severus growled in frustration and began pacing.

"I don't have time for this! I have a test on Friday and I need to review!" He said testily.

"Hey." Cameron called softly, carefully snagging the Fae by his pockets as he walked past and drawing him close.

"Calm down. I know you and I know that whatever subject the test is in, you have it down pat. Your friends know that too. Your continued reviewing isn't going to change that fact, so your just wasting your time and stressing yourself out. So, right now you just need to relax and let all the information settle before it starts driving you bonkers." The man said firmly, consciously keeping his hold on Severus' coat pockets.

The younger man wanted to refute, but couldn't because it was true.

He did know and understand the material he was being tested about, but Severus still hadn't shook the insecurity Hogwarts had built within him.

At Hogwarts, the young Fae had been in constant fear of expulsion due to what one of his professor's commented was his 'unsightly behavior regarding your peers.' Which had basically boiled down to his confrontations with the Marauders and being framed constantly for, what he was certain was, their potion ingredient theft.

Mcgonagall had once revealed during a detention that it was only his grades that staid the Headmaster's hand and from then on Severus had always obsessed over tests and assignments.

Sighing, Severus knew Cameron was right, reminding himself firmly that the past was just that and this was a new life where he was in control of whether he left the school or not.

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