New Beginnings & Collage

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A/N: I might not be able to update for awhile, so here is this chapter early! Hope you enjoy it!

Landing in an ally beside the Leaky Cauldron, Severus quickly took off his cloak and glamour.

Exiting the ally, the young Fae entered the Cauldron, ignoring the stares his appearance was gathering and headed straight for the entrance of Diagon Ally.

Making his way up the steps of Gringott, Severus gave a nod to the goblins guarding the door as he entered and went straight up to the nearest tellers desk.

"Greetings master goblin." The young man said respectfully.

"I'm hear to see master FlintHammer. Would you tell him Heir Lunar is in need of his services?" On the outside Severus was the picture of calm, but inside he felt like his stomach had sprouted wings and was trying to fly out of his abdomen.

It was finally happening.

He was closing this chapter of his life and Severus Tobias Snape would no longer exists, only Severus Ulus Lunar.

It was a fresh start, a new beginning.

The goblin looked at him sharply in surprise, before calling over another to escort Severus to Flinthammer's office.

Stepping inside, the young Fae was greeted by his account manager.

"Heir Lunar." Flinthammer greeted as the young man gave him a curt nod of greeting.

"I am told you are need of my services?" Straight to the point, as always.

Severus took a seat in front of Flinthammer's desk and got down to the reason for his visit.

"That I am, Master Flinthammer. I have just recently tested out of Hogwarts and am now interested in furthering my education. So saying, I intend on attending BridgeGap University." He said, not beating around the bush either.

BridgeGap University was a college that many refer to as a mixed school.

It offered both magical and muggle classes to wizards and squibs, operating on the format of muggle Universities.

They also are known for allowing non wizards to attended whether they had magical family members or not.

This allowed the magicals to practice blending in with muggles and teaching them about the muggle world and its culture by fully immersing them in it.

Of course the magical side of the school was hidden from those not already in on the secret by spells, secrecy vows, and the school had qualified obliviators on staff, to clean everything up if there was an incident.

The school itself was not very popular among the purebloods of magical Britain, for obvious reasons, but they were unable to suppress it as it was founded by the wife of a French ambassador.

Doing anything outright to the school would be an offence that could cause a political war that was sure to damage relations with France.

But, it is fair to say that very few pure bloods allowed their children attend BridgeGap despite its good reputation.

As such it was a school mostly attended by muggles, squibs, and muggleborn, but it did nothing to lower the quality of education or opportunities given there.

Lily had at one time been thinking about attending BridgeGap and that was how Severus had come across the University, but she had finally decided on taking an apprenticeship instead.

Severus had intended to also take the apprenticeship route, but the young Fae decided that he wanted to be able to move more freely between the muggle and magical worlds.

After all, why limit his options when he had so many opportunities?

Severus' mother had made sure he kept up with his muggle education.

The woman had been adamant that he would need it one day and the young Fae was once again grateful to his mother for her forethought.

"I wanted to ask you to reach out to the school and sign me up for their fall semester. I have already read through their classes and have selected the ones I wish to attended." The Fae continued, taking the packet he had ordered from BridgeGap before returning to Hogwarts.

Severus had thought hard about what he had wanted to get his education in and obviously the first thing he chose was Potions, without hesitation.

After some thinking, the young man also chose business, and medicine, specializing in pharmaceuticals.

The Fae had also chosen to take the fast track for all of them.

As magical collages had ways to spread up their students pace of learning by having them attend class in classrooms that slowed time once the door was shut.

These classrooms were only available to those taking the fast track and the students had to follow unforgiving rules if they wished to continue to use these classrooms.

Punctuality is the biggest and most unforgiving rule as the classrooms were run on a strict scheduled and every student was required to keep a certain grade or they would no longer be allowed to use these classrooms.

By using these classrooms, Severus would finish his business degree in six months, his potion mastery would take a year, and medical could be finished in two, with the specialization adding another year.

So if the young Fae worked hard, he would finish University in less then five years.

It would be grueling, but even knowing this, Severus couldn't wait to get started.

"Since you are my account manager, I came to you before I signed the secrecy contract. I will be focusing on my education until further notice, so you will be completely in charge of my investments and accounts. I would also like to attach a mail ward on my current name and old name, so all mail will be redirected to the bank before being forwarded to me at BridgeGap." He said.

Flinthammer took the file and nodded.

"I will look over the contract immediately and negotiate with the school. I'll send a missive when all is settled." The goblin said.

The two talked for a few more minutes about the accounts before Severus took his leave.

Exiting the bank, the young Fae was in a good mood and activating his port key went back to his cottage.

Checking on his circle, Severus was pleased to see it thriving and as he waited for Flinthammer to settle things with the school the young Fae did a couple of small rituals.

Nothing to complicated.

One gave him a type of mage sight that allowed him to view the magical constructs around him, but it was a very noticeable ability as his iris turned moonlight silver, so Severus made a note not to use it around others.

The other helped him improve the guards on his mind, his shields now had a mist around them, reminding him of the mist he ran through when Manny had led him away from the veil.

It wasn't long, before Flinthammer sent the modified contract for Severus to read and the young man signed it without hesitation, receiving a welcome packet the next day from the University.

Now, here Severus stood in front of BridgeGap University, looking around at the large, bustling grounds of the school and the young Fae could barely containing the need to grin like a fool.


847 words unedited

1174 edited

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