01| More mouths to feed

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Since the move to their new home, Augustus [L/N] or Auggie, the eleven-year-old wanted a pet. Not just any pet, not a dog or bird, he wanted a cat. He loved cats, the eleven-year-old did, he had a stuffed cat as a baby until it was ripped to shreds by his mother. [M/N] had told him that their apartment was too small for a cat, it was a one-bedroom at the time with [M/N] sleeping on the pullout couch most of the time.

Now [M/N] had earned enough to get a house in the countryside, the closest neighbor wasn't for another mile. It was a lot cheaper than what he was paying for their apartment back in the city, and a lot bigger too. Lots of space and they could actually paint on the walls.

Thinking they had the room now, Auggie begged for a cat of his own. Someone to stay at home with him at night when [M/N] had work in the city or at night. Something fluffy to cuddle at night or play games in the morning. 

"We can only get a cat but when the time is right." His uncle had said, as he cleans the kitchen. He was organizing the kitchen, putting the dishes away, the cups, and whatever else that was marked kitchen in the brown boxes. 

Now, he was pouting since that morning, Uncle [M/N] meant that as a no. So pouting was the last solution left today, on picture day no less. Oh, he could hear his uncle scolding him and threatening to call one of their relatives on him. No, he didn't want to listen to his grandma's nagging again. 

"Thank you, Ms.Ollie." Auggie said as he got off the bus, the bus driver didn't reply and simply grunts before driving forwards. Auggie watched the yellow bus drive off as he turns and walked down the sidewalk. The stop wasn't far from his house but hated how busy the street got during the day. 

"Man, I want a cat.." Auggie grumbles as he dug in his shorts pocket for his keys, he takes the keychain out, as the three keys on it jingle. One for the home, one to the garage, and one for the shed. 

He fumbled with the keys, looking for the right one as he turns, walking on the pathway before walking up the stairs. "Here it issss--ah!"

The child trips forwards, yelping as his knees were skinned and several hisses were heard. Auggie moved his gaze to the thing that tripped him, and saw a large brown box.

"What the fuck-" Auggie cussed before opening the flaps and gasped in awe, 18 eyes stared back, or 17 1/2 since one cat's eye was shut. The cats backed up against the box's wall, one holding a baby kitten by its nape. Their eyes narrowed and slits-shaped pupils staring back at him. 

"Oh...cats~ and a baby kitten~" Auggie cooed as a smile comes to his lips, his [E/C] eyes staring at the felines with such awe and love, it made yellowish-brown cat in there tilts its head. Slowly, it began moving forwards, ignoring the hisses and meows of the other cats. The cat leans up as Auggie cooed and gently pet the cat's head, his fur was very soft. 

Auggie smiled as the cat purrs, his tail flickering a bit behind him and a cat content expression on his face as he was pet. "Mhm! Now with you guys here, I'm sure Uncle would let me keep you guys..or at least one." The cats seemed to share a look but Auggie didn't notice, he placed the box down as he used his key to unlock door. His Itachi Uchiha keychain swinging a bit as opened the door, jingling a bit. Auggie takes the box once more as he entered the home, placing them down on the carpet, and gently tipped the box over a bit and the cats climbed out. 

Though the blond-brown kitty he was petting scampers beside him, pressed to his side.

Auggie smiled as he placed his book bag down and picked the cat up. His eyes stared at the many roaming kitties 

One black-brown cat with golden-like eyes was sitting on the carpet by the box. His eyes seemed bright and wide, looking around as a black and teal-ish cat was beside him. He looked on guard and seemingly tense, but stayed near the black-brown cat. His tail swaying beside him, very tense and Auggie knew not to go near him now. There was also an orange tom cat, pawing at the tense one's tail, and mews when the tense one swipes at him. He had light blue eyes, thought a bit dull for Auggie's taste.  Still very pretty.

Auggie glanced down when he felt something pressed close to him, and saw an oddly dark-colored cat. Someone must've used these cats for dye jobs or something, he knew from the heart and in history that there weren't any blue cats. "Who dyes their cats blue? Were you guys experimented on?" The blue cat looked up and meows before rubbing himself against Auggie's leg for attention. His eye was closed shut as the other was blue, a pretty blue.  Auggie placed down the one in his arms before petting the blue cat, it purrs under Auggie's touch and he giggles. Though heard the sound of one of them climbing on the couch.

[M/N] didn't remove the plastic of the seats yet and a red cat sat on the arm rest. His stare was out the window as his tail sways calmly from behind him. It reminded Auggie of those fancy cats that rich people had since the red cat was very fluffy. His red fur, dyed or not, was a mixture of light red and dark reds. Auggie found him pretty. Then his head snapped in the direction of the kitchen, hearing something fall. He hurried in and saw one of the cats were trying to get into the wine cabinet, and one of the empty boxes were on the floor. 

The cat trying to get into it looked like the tense kitty, though had longish hair with teal tints in the fur and a teal tent on its' tail. He struggles to open the cabinet door but meows when he saw he was caught. Auggie smiled and placed him down on the floor, and the cat plops on his back, showing his belly. "Hehe, so cute~" Auggie cooed as the cat paws at the air. A playful one he was.

There was a mew from under the tipped over box and Auggie pulled it up to see the lightish tan cat with a blond-tan kitten in it's mouth. The kitten struggled and the cat placed it down, and the kitten ran around, looking at anything and pawing at random things in the kitchen with the cat watching it. "Oh, is that your baby?" Auggie asked, bending down a bit as the tanish cat tilts it's head before shaking it. 

"Wow! It's almost like you can understand me."

The cat didn't answer but simply licked his paw as his tail flickers beside him calmly and the kitten returns to play with his tail happily. Auggie smiled as he stands up, he should change before he gets cat hair on his clothes. 




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