31| Itto is just...

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"So this...cow is a man...called Itto?" [M/N] asked for the fifty-something time, he rubbed his forehead a bit as he watched said cow eat some carrots and watch the tv with the kids. They were petting him and even brushed him with toy doll brushes that were hot pink with Barbie's name on it. Gorou was sleeping in [M/N]'s lap, the little Shiba was so tired and cold from staying in the shed. 

"Yes, he's...nice. Very pushy, and very confident...and kinda..."

"Dumb?" [M/N] finished Aether's sentence as he gently scratched behind Gorou's ear and the pup began kicking his leg a bit from the moment of pleasure. "Well..I'll have to buy some more things before I can turn them back if you don't mind."

"That's fine, besides...it was a surprise after all." Aether agreed as he sipped some hot chocolate with a sigh and wiped his lower lip. Once again, [M/N] had taken this just as fine, even more. 

"It is not fine, the damn cow is going to stink up the place and probably chew through the wires," Scaramouche said, complaining about the two newcomers already. "They can live in the shed." He wasn't sharing his room with anyone else, this house was becoming too cramped for his liking.

"It's way too cold for them, it's snowing too." [M/N] said as he placed Gorou down and ignored the puppy whine that came from him. 

"So? They survived as long as they did with the rugrats, why not send them all out to sleep in the shed?" [M/N] rolled his eyes as he stands up, moving towards the freezer to get some meat out to cook for later. He glanced at the meat, frozen vegetables, and such. They were slowly running out of food and he didn't have much on hand, whatever he had after buying things went into his savings account for Auggie.

"Uncle!" Auggie called from the living room, [M/N] walked into the living room when called. Auggie held up his phone and said, "There's an emergency reading for you."

Christmas Day and already getting calls about readings, how lucky he was. [M/N] takes it and placed it against his ear before sitting down on the couch, ignoring the lightly grinding of Itto's horns against his leg for his attention. 

"Uh, Hi...I'm Florence Wick and...I saw your newspaper ad a few days ago..and we need help..bottom line..we run a BNB and we knew our house was old with some dirty laundry...if you know what I mean." The woman on the phone whispered, [M/N] frowns a bit as he sees Childe and Scaramouche fucking around with his tablet, mostly Childe taunting the smaller with it and Scaramouche cursing up a storm because of it. "It attacked my daughter, gave her a concussion, we're desperate...so much."

"I can be there in the morning-"

"Fucking hand it over!"



"This is a big house...lots of space," Childe commented as they stood at the door of this house, Auggie holding his hand as the boy nods in agreement with a smile. They wore sweaters and Auggie was the most bundled up out of the four. Him, Childe, [M/N] and Scaramouche.

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