22|Stress Relief

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[Warning Sex and Kinks]

After the Zoo, the headaches had been getting worst and nightmares, oh those were just as bad. Everytime he shut his eyes, he could see the knife coming at him and the visions of the man or the man's other work. All of them were just as horrifying than the first, especially the screaming in them. His screaming to be exact, how it echoed in pain, and it wakes him up.

Not to mention to teach others, how to function in their world. He taught Diluc, Zhongli and Aether how to drive, which upset the others since the more "boring" ones were allowed to drive, and Thoma could be he was a horrible drive. He wasn't bad at everything else, including talking on the phone. He was more natural like that, [M/N] felt bad that he let thoma do work but the visions were taking a toll.

Like now, he sighs as he takes the pain pills, sighing to himself as he sits at the corner of his bed. He thought the war, shower would fix him up better, but he left early so he could calm his pounding head. [M/N] rubbed his temple as he kept his gaze to the ground, fingers pressed against his temple as he rubbed. He could feel the movement below, possibly one or a few of them entertaining the kids or Klee running around with her new Wonder Woman doll, she fallen in love with the woman when Auggie put the movie on.

" How's your head?"

[M/N] looked from his hand to the door, seeing Tartaglia there and holding a cup of tea or something hot. He merely gives a weak smile and sigh, " Hurts, feels like-"

"Hilichurls banging your head?"

" Whatever that is, probably."

The redhead chuckled, before moving closer to the male as his eyes reached up the other's ankles and to his legs under the dark red robe. He swallows back his arousal before sitting beside the other, his blue eyes watched as [M/N] takes the cup from him and sipped it quietly, smiling to himself. [M/N] kept drinking the dark tea before feeling the lustful eyes of the redhead on him, his [E/C] eyes looked back at the other as he gives a tiny laugh. " I never knew a pervert like yourself would find interest in me."

Tartaglia's eyes snapped up from the others legs and met his mischievous gaze, he opened his mouth but nothing came out and closed it. [M/N] stands up, placing the cup on the dresser, his eyes moved to gaze at Tartaglia or Ajax as the kids had called him. He is a good looking guy, his body sculpted and so many scars along his pale body that told so many stories. He takes a chance, and [M/N] pulled the tie off his robe and it opens, he didn't have much of a body unlike Ajax but had some older marks from abuse.

The robe falls as Ajax looked up, his eyes wide a bit as his cheeks flushed a tad as they roam around on [M/N]'s body. "...you're kinda hot."

" Sounds kinda dumb coming from you." He teased before smiling at the other a bit, [M/N] liked the stare. It made his stomach grow warm or was that his chest? It felt nice, nothing he felt with Parker. His eyes drifted over Ajax with a little bit of himself hitting his lower lip, it had been so long since he slept with someone like him. " Ajax...your cock is getting hard."

" So is yours..." Ajax said as he saw how [M/N]'s cock was slowly getting hard and his lips were licked a bit, and his heart was beating against his chest. His eyes glanced at it and once [M/N] was close enough, Ajax pulled his shirt off and shivered at the cold. His eyes flickered to the passive look on [M/N]'s face. "...I don't know what to do."

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