28| Who's eating them eyes??

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"I'll be back within a few minutes, I just want to explore this place forever," Xingqiu said with a happy sigh. [M/N] had taken them to the library so Auggie could do the research on a Home School project he needed for some credits because the state demanded it. The library was a huge one, three stories high and lots of books, computers and even a cafe at the bottom. "Come on Yun, let's go see this level," Xingqiu said, dragging his best friend who grumbled as he walked. 

Auggie smiles before making sure they were in a different area, and he clicked the computer on and began typing his library number up and smiles again as it opens. He glanced where the two left and began typing in a different name than about the topic he chose from the paper that the state sent his Uncle. 

The Cult of Eyes

Auggie pulled up a different tab and began opening his junk email and saw Susan's address that she shared with Harold. 


He clicked on it before scanning over the documents she had sent with the email, most of it was the conclusion of the cults and how big it was back in the 60s, 70s, and late 80s before going quiet after their leader at the time, Melissa Lovecross was killed by police. There wasn't a photo of that shot but there were others of bodies, and bodies covered by white sheets on some farmhouse land. Auggie cringed before closing his eyes and moving down at the different document. He clicked it and began reading a different one, it was in dark letters but helped him a bit. 



The leader, Melissa Lovecross, had been killed by police on April 15 at 2:15 AM. It had been a shoot out and many casualties had happened on the cult side, five officers were killed on sight along with them. Though the police were unable to predict the cult's next move and it was to get rid of all 12,000 remembers of this cult. One the Lovecross land was 55,000 unnamed bodies in the main part of the house that was rotting away in the basement of Melissa Lovecross. One body had been identified as Noel Lovecross, Melissa's husband in the mess. The rest were among the ages of three to eighty-five years old, and remains had been found behind the farmhouse.

It is unknown how many all together had been killed and slaughtered, but there had been writings among Melissa's room, on the walls, and in journals that were covered with dried blood.

Auggie scrolls down to see open journals with dried blood on the edges and some ink coming down a few pages. He looked over the slightly blurred images before looking back at the writing.

The house of horrors had their closets, kitchens, the pantry even filled to the brim of glass bottles with eyes in them. They looked new as well, and the behavior of this was unknown until one officer, found the large statue in another room of a demonic god, or man that had many eyes in his mouth along with some in his grasp. 

Heath: the Eye-eating God of Babylon  

I had searched for the information for this God, make-believe, insane creation, everything. Though there were lost images and words bout this man, almost everything I had done was gone or he did not exist yet. So far, in conformation from several libraries, priests, and such within that group, things we know is that Heath was alive during the time of Jesus, and was commanded by God to slaughter people for their eyes. Because these eyes were his creations and dipped in Sin by the devil. Actually, they were a blessing by the Archangel Gabriel on his command, to lead the souls to heaven in a much propper method but Heath followed orders. Along with the curse, some said that Heath was still alive today because of it. 

Auggie leans back and rubbed his eyes, blinking a few times, and sighs as he leans into the seat. Everything he just read was just weird, not to mention the trouble with his eyes and his Uncles. They were blessed by Gabriel? The Archangel Gabriel?

"Hey, Auggie, can you scroll down?" Auggie does before freezing and turns to meet [E/C] eyes with soft baby blue ones with a narrow slit. "Auggie?"

"I'm so sorry! I swear, I was just looking at it since Susan sent it and I couldn't help it! It scared me about what Diana and-"

"It's fine, it's only natural to question your eyes, especially special ones like yours." Chongyun said as he watched the pictures, "I'm from a long line of exorcists, all talented in their abilities but.."

"Poor yun can't seem to catch one just yet." Xingqiu finished as he placed down the stacks of books that he wanted to read back at their home.  He had a new book open and sits in the seat beside Auggie and closed it as he saw the writing quickly. "Hm, though the idea of something eating your adorable eyes would be a problem, folktale or not."

"Don't rub it in Xingqiu." Chongyun huffed before crossing his arms, rubbing his chin in thought. The thought of someone coming after [M/N] and Auggie would be a big problem, they were growing to be their friends, and having them being taken away and killed because of their gift was just barbaric. "Though while we're here, perhaps we should find more information on Heath. This essay looks old, so maybe new writings had come up?"

"That sounds like a good idea, maybe the history section or one of the librarians here?" Auggie suggested as he saved all the paperwork and click the red X on top. "Though, could you two say I'm in the bathroom if my uncle comes up here?"

"Of course."


So tomorrow night at 7 pm? Pick you up at your place?

Totally fine, how should I dress?

You be you ;D

Alright, see you, can't wait

Me either have a nice day 💗


This is an early Christmas gift to all, I will be taking a bit of a break from this book so I could outline and enjoy the holidays. Have a good Holiday, a safe Christmas, and a safe New Year!


If you have fanart, go ahead and tag me, pm me, and such. I would love to see your art or anything really!

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