Zhongli ending

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Caihong = 15; Electro vision

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Caihong = 15; Electro vision

"Good Job Caihong! You're going to be amazing!"
"Way to go Caihong!"
"Wooh! Caihong you better not forget us!"

Many adults cheered with Caihong's friends when the girl appeared in the backyard of her home. There were balloons, streamers, and the delicious smell of food on the table made by Chef Mao and her Pyro user daughter. It was a lovely sight along with the presents on another table from her friends and family. "Thank you, all of you." The girl said politely as she came down with a smile. "I will miss you all when I leave."

She got her acceptance letter to the Akademiya in Sumeru which was practically a walk there from Liyue Harbor. She wasn't too sure what she wanted to study but wanted to continue her studies outside of Liyue. [M/N] was more than proud of his daughter as she thanked everyone and made her way toward her friends easily. She was a copy of Zhongli from his pale skin and brown hair to her little nose and fingers. 

Though she gain something from [M/N] and it was very important.

"Oh! Is that a prize catch?" Caihong asked happily with delight.

Caihong loved Seafood unlike her mother's distaste for it.

"Yeah, we brought it for you because we heard you were going to school!" Paimon's high-voice cuts threw. 

They were chatting as people were enjoying the party for the first daughter of Morax. She was half-adepti like Yanfei and Ganyu, so her lifeline would last for centuries when [M/n] would be dead along with Auggie as old men. [M/N] watched Caihong eat happily as Shenhe finally came by and landed beside the girl. Everyone was there and [M/N] hummed as he felt a kiss against his head.

"Zhongli, you should mingle with the others, I know I would bore you." [M/N] teased his husband as the Dragon chuckled and kissed [M/N] 's knuckle with an affectionate purr. "Or would I sleep during one of your long stories?"

"Now, Now, don't act so sly." Zhongli chuckled once more as he watched his daughter talk to her friends and family. Auggie pulls his little cousin in for a hug as he shows her the sword he acquired her for her safe traveling. "I am very happy she is continuing her studies but I would miss her, she grew up too fast for my liking." 

"She is half adepti from you, that is your problem." [M/N] chuckled as the wind blew a bit and sighs at the nice feeling going across his body, " The house is going to be quiet soon enough, no more tea kettles whistling at the first sight of the morning nor the sound of her running around."

"Well I did say you-"

" I am not going to do that."

"But I'm serious-"


"Baba? Who are you talking to?" Caihong asked innocently as she watched her Baba talk to the open air beside him. The others watched and knew who he was talking to and the annoyance of their Archon and friend. "Are you having an episode?" 

"Oh? No, honey just talking about...my thoughts in the open." [M/N] quickly assure her as he walked closer to his daughter with a smile, "Just remembering if I left the stove off or not." That didn't cease the worry Caihong, throughout her childhood her Baba talked to the open air as if someone was there, someone she could not see despite having her own [E/C] eyes. In someway it mad [M/N] happy that she didn't bare the sight but sad she could not see her own mother. 

Her mother refused to move on yet.

"I could always leave in another few days if you want baba, School isn't too far from here." She said softly as she placed her bowl down and gently pulled her father in for a hug. She even had Zhongli's height, it made [M/N] feel small compared to her. 

"No, No, I don't want you to miss school because of me. I need you to enjoy your life outside of this home. Without me bothering you.." [M/N] said softly with a smile as Caihong sighed a bit as she pulled back.

"You aren't! But if you insist..."

"Caihong! Look we have a present for you!" Hu Tao said happily as Caihong moved away as Zhongli appeared back to [M/n]'s side. He watched her with a gentle smile that [M/N] could see.

"You can move on, I won't be upset in anyway." Zhongli whispered as Caihong cooed over the new little plant, some sort of fungi that Hu Tao had sneaked through.

"I know..it's in my right but I don't want the trouble of dating again...it was already hard losing you." Erosion had taken Zhongli a few months after Caihong's birth, his mind and body just dusting away into nothing. [M/N] had loved this man and couldn't bare to move on especially in front of him. "Besides my time is coming soon enough, lately I have been feeling weaker."

"Don't talk like that, you must still live for our Caihong." Zhongli protested gently as he rubbed [M/n]'s back, the human smiled at the touch as Caihong giggled at the little Fungi that moved around her.

"I know, I know, but you can't stop human longevity my sweet."

"I know...but she would be alone."

"Not forever...she'll have her friends and my Auggie." [M/N] said as he gently rubbed his hand over Zhongli's. "...besides she would meet a fine man or woman."

Zhongli sighs but knew [M/N] was slowly turning old, his [H/C] locks turning grey slowly as more wrinkles appeared on his sweet face, "I know..but still..you have more life to live."

"Such a romantic." [M/N] chuckled before hearing Aether call everyone for a picture. They scoot a chair in the middle as people move and squeeze together for the Kamera. [M/n] sits in the chair and Caihong on his left as the countdown began. Zhongli moved to his right and hand on [M/N]'s shoulder as the flash went on.

Slowly the Kamera printed the picture out and Aether collects it with a smile. His eyes are drawn towards [M/N] and they widen to see a fainted outline of a familiar figure causing the Traveler to smile a bit.

[M/N] did say Ghost could show themselves in pictures, and appear as faint outlines or images. Seemed the Geo lord was also saying goodbye to his beloved spawn.

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