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[M/N] groans softly as smelled the cooked eggs

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[M/N] groans softly as smelled the cooked eggs. He fluttered his eyes open and blinked a few times to the blank ceiling before sitting up. The covers roll off and looked to the kitchen that came with the room, along with the door of the other room.

"Good morning, Comrade."

"Morning Uncle!"

[M/N] groans as he heard his nephew and Childe greet him, he looked to them, and Auggie eating already with Klee stuffing her face. Her feet swinging back and forth as she ate and Auggie in the same boat. The Woods had provided them two already finished hotel rooms on the other side of the house and they all set up their rooms. Behind the connecting door was Kaeya, Albedo, Klee, and Aether while the rest was in his. 

"Someone seems grumpy." A voice purred to his side and [E/C] eyes snapped to his side and saw Venti. He had a cheeky grin and winks as [M/N] sighs. "Oh, not enjoying the view-" Venti squeals as a pillow slaps him and [M/N] got off the bed. He walked to the bathroom and prepared himself as Auggie finished his plate.

He stood up and began washing it along with everything else they used. Augustus had woken up early that morning and hungry. So he attempted to use the things in the kitchen but soon realized that he didn't know how to properly cook any eggs. By the time, four cracked eggs were laying in a bowl, he was only staring. August looked at the new oven and goes to flick it on.

"What are you doing buddy?"

Auggie squeals as he saw one of the new strangers, originally the cute tomcat was a man called Ajax, then Tartaglia and Childe. That's what has been called and Auggie didn't know which was his real name. The boy stared wide eye at the redhead and Childe stared back.

"Do you need help cooking buddy? It's kinda too early but if you're hungry, then I'm sure I can make some Prize Catch." 

"What's Prize Catch?"
"Okay, what about Bamboo shoot soup?"
"I don't know what it is, but it's morning, way too early for soup."
"Dang, uh..Paw-puppy Hashbrowns?"
"We don't have any potatoes.."

Childe rubbed his nape awkwardly, it seemed even the food was different from what they usually ate at home. "Maybe you can help me cook the eggs then?"

Which leads Auggie, with the help of Childe, to have eggs and toast. Klee has woken up, then Mr.Zhongli, Venti who sat beside his Uncle's sleeping body and toy with the alarm clock. Zhongli had started tea with the help of Auggie and Auggie even started the coffee maker for his Uncle.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Auggie asked as [M/N] gotten out of the bathroom, changed, and brushing his hair. "Mhm, what do you mean?" [M/N] asked as he opened the cabinet door and takes a mug out from it. He grasped the coffee pot's handle and poured the hot liquid into the mug. [M/N] placed it back into the holder and the leftover milk, pouring it into the cup with some sugar. Most of the food was complimentary, maybe just for him.

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