24| HomeSchool why?

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[M/N] was homeschooled as a child, and he turned out...pretty okay.

He was never on drugs or smoked but he does have paranoia and anxiety, not to mention depression at times. 

So, the second he had made appointments for Homeschool, he pulled Augustus out from School. Nobody really batted an eye at this behavior and seemed happy that Auggie was leaving the school. They wouldn't need to deal with [M/N] or his nephew anymore. Early in the morning, Auggie does his work for the day, some studying and homework. It was set to his own time and Klee often sat beside him and listen to the podcast teachings or videos.

Albedo, Zhongli, and Xingqiu help with his homework or questions about math and science. Klee added as well when it's chemistry, it was pretty close to alchemy. 

Auggie had the best and stayed home, doing his own things and eating the lunches [M/N] made. 

The only one that hated this was Auggie. He hated sitting at the computer for hours, listening to old people talk about subjects or doing notes. He missed sitting in the classroom and listening to other kids talk about their cool weekends or dinners. Auggie missed the smell of clean bathrooms and getting better answers than other classmates, the groans when he got the answer right. He missed Charle, the smartest and prettiest creature to come into his class. 

"Uncle, when can I go back to school?"

"When you're 18...and after I die."

[M/N] answered as he washed the dishes as Auggie pouts, Albedo sitting beside him as he tried to help the young child. Math class was just over and Auggie was already having trouble with a few problems on the paper. [M/N] sighs to himself as Auggie pouts and leans on the table a bit, he didn't mind Albedo doing most of the work for him. He seemed to enjoy it a bit, "Uncle, please...I actually started to miss School....and other things."

"No, you're here under my watchful eyes and doing homework. Besides, don't you love pizza for lunch and making your own time with classes?" He asked as Auggie grumbled a bit, shaking his head a bit and rolling his eyes a bit. 

"Yeah, but still! It's not the same as actual School! I want to go back and talk to my friends!"

"What friends?"

"[M/N]!" Ajax's voice scolds a bit and [M/N] turns to glare at him as Auggie rushed past them and upstairs. He hears the door slam close and [M/N] takes a deep breath, he knew for a fact that Auggie didn't have friends. He had classmates and that was basically it, though it did sound harsh. [M/N] throws the rag into the sink and moved away, as he left out the backyard. He slammed the door behind him and covered his mouth. He kept a hard push against his lips as he screams into his hands. 

It was kinda muffled but if someone had a window, they could hear it.

[M/N] moved and sat down on the porch, his legs hanging off the edge a bit. He sniffed as he felt some tears roll down his cheek, he couldn't help but feel like a failure. A failure of a parent, an Uncle, as someone who was supposed to care for Auggie. His eyes closed for a moment as he wiped his eyes a bit with his sleeve. [M/N] would need to figure out how to apologize and finally explain everything. Or should he be quiet about it.

"..Hey." Childe said as he saw the poor sap, he didn't agree with his words but knew the stress of upholding a certain view so someone much younger than them, someone that loves them more. "...I'm sorry for all the problems you have, I disagree with how you said it..but I understand the pressure you're under."

"..I'm a piece of shit, I know Auggie doesn't have friends because their parents hate me or because he freaks them out because their great-grandmama is telling them some stuff but..I had no right..I was frustrated and with everything going on..I couldn't..and I blurt it out..I didn't mean any of it but I'm the hugest piece of shit here." [M/N] sighs as he leans against the wooden post and sighs to himself.

"...then I'm an even bigger piece of shit." Childe sits beside [M/N]. He gently nudged him with his shoulder with a smile. "..I lied to my siblings...for years since I became my Archons Harbinger," Childe said as he looked to [M/N]. His heart twisted a bit in pity, for him, compared to the two of them, [M/N] was an angel. He had a moment of weakness while Childe was just the weakness in his own job. "...I missed them a lot ya know?.. I kinda want to bring them here..see this world and milk the area for their glories..see these cars..these video games and animals..or lack of."

"...It's not that special here..lots of..responsibilities..lots of asshole people and ghost... you're not cursed with my eyes." [M/N] whispered as he rubbed underneath his eye, and sniffed a bit before closing his eyes for a moment. [M/N] felt a hand at the small of his back, and leans against Childe for a moment. Ajax was pretty nice...and warm for a weird guy...

"..I like your eyes, they are pretty especially with the little grey specks in them..your eye color is there but if you look closer-" [M/N] felt his chin be lifted up and meets Ajax's dark blue eyes, they were actually kinda pretty. He looked at the other, smiling lightly as Ajax rubbed [M/N]'s cheeks. He gives a smile as their eyes meet. Childe nuzzled his nose against the other's as [M/N]'s cheeks felt hot under Ajax's cold hands. "I think they're perfect..grey specks in [E/C] eyes."

"...I kill for a living..and tell my siblings that I'm the best Toymaker and seller around..but if anything..you're an angel compared to me." Childe said as he smiles a bit, "You should apologize and make sure you let Auggie know how much you love him."


[M/N] yanked himself back and looked to the door where Xiao stood, his arms crossed as he looked down at the two. "Auggie left."


[M/N] moved inside as Childe hurried along and Xiao slammed the door behind them. "Out of the way? Shouldn't you be sucking your master's cock?"

"Excuse me?"

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