10| Think about the Children

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Warnings: Religion and Racism mention along with murder




[M/N] pulled the car up onto the driveway of Susan Stewart's home, it looked like a tiny cottage with a large privacy fence around her home. Though, he saw some chickens wandering about, and almost hit one but stopped the car. [M/N] looked out the window and the chicken clucks as it hurried away, he sighs and pulled back to look at himself in the mirror while slapping Zhongli's hand away from the A/C knob. "Stop."

"I'm merely enjoying this ride, the car that Augustus had called it." Zhongli said as he fixed his glove with a hum.

"Leave him alone, knowing him, he would rather like the cold air." Zhongli shoots a glare back at Kaeya who smiled. [M/N] rolled his eyes before opening the door, and gotten out, stuffing the keys into his pocket. He looked at the home and the chickens that clucked as they walked away, and [M/N] looked at the name written down on the piece of paper.

"Why are we here again?" Zhongli asked, gently shutting the door behind him.

"I was here to get some more information on the Woods family, without asking them. She was a criminal journalist back then and did major reports that are sealed up or over 50 bucks online." [M/N] said as he walked forwards, and up the stairs as thunder boomed loudly causing the chickens to cluck louder, rushing off under the stairs for shelter. [M/N] knocked on the door and then the sound of the tv, then a cock of a gun was heard. [M/N] backed up, holding his hands up as he noticed the old woman with a gun.

"Fucking Phill, I said, I am not ready to spirtually-"

"Susan Stewart?" [M/N] yelped as he kept his hands up to show no harm as Kaeya and Zhongli watched, and their hands twitched since they would summon their weapons when a gun appeared.

"Yes? Who is it?" [M/N] noted the slightly dulled brown eyes and sighs. "I'm [M/N] [L/N], and I'm investigating the Woods hotel and spa, or-" The old woman placed down her gun and crackles.

"I know who you are boy, I used to watch you on the TV when I was bored, but to hear you visiting the old Rosie Hotel? Man, I've been waiting for the day-" Susan poked her head back into the home, "Harold! They're not Christians," There was a soon of another gun un-cocking and an elderly old man walking out into the living room, can in hand as he sits down on the plastic-covered couch. [M/N] opened the door a bit as Susan walked back, "Come on in! Mind the kitties."

[M/N] held the door open for Zhongli and Kaeya to enter, and the kittens that were pawing at balls of yarn were now pawing at Zhongli's shoes with tiny mewls and Kaeya even picked one up. He cooed at the black kitten and his own cat ears appeared on his head, not as hidden with his dark blue hair.

It seemed Kaeya, Aether and Klee still had their cat ears, the rest were gone.

"So, what's you got so far?" Susan asked as she sits down in the comfortable tan lazy boy chair. The room smelled like flowers and sage, an old and odd mixture along with pictures of her accomplishments over the years, articles, and then her degree from the local university. Some of her and Harold's wedding and at least one picture with a baby in it. "Did ya meet little Rosita?"

"Maybe? I'm too sure, I was actually here to ask about your experience over there since you knew first hand." [M/N] said as Susan blinks before humming, rubbing her chin in thought, "Or maybe some unlocked issues of your notes? Or reports-"

"I know what you need, but if you want the whole version, then I suggest you sit down. The three of you." She added, looking over Kaeya and Zhongli. The three looked for a seat and Zhongli ended up sitting in the last chair available and Kaeya sitting on the floor, petting the kitten he had on hand. [M/N] stood but then Zhongli pets his lap, giving the male a look, "What? If you think your weight could harm me, then please, I can sit on yours." Zhongli said as [M/N] felt his face burn a bit from embarrassment and glanced to the older woman and man.

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