14| Are we Attic people now?

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[M/N] wondered how the Duggar family survived with their kids, especially now since he spent around 300 dollars on Amazon, just for the moment. Mostly on clothes for them and a pretty cute stuffed bunny plushie for Klee. Though, the Duggar family had their own problems, [M/N] also spent another 100 at Goodwill for some nicely used furniture, sheets and comforters, and an old bed that [M/N] had in the attic. He was only lucky that he already paid the rent for that month and the next bill wasn't until another two weeks.

Since there were barely any rooms on the first floor, his room, Auggie's, and the blessed room, the attic was the next option. Since there were stairs that lead up to the floor, the problem was cleaning it. Since [M/N] had boxes, dust, and such all around that floor.

That morning, after ordering all the necessities at the moment, he brushed his teeth, drank some coffee, and changed into clothes that he wouldn't mind getting dirty. [M/N] put on an old t-shirt from Parker, some sweat pants, and slippers before pulling on an old apron. If anything fell on him, then it would hit the old apron with a bunny on it, then the bunny headband to keep his [H/C] hair away from his face, and a mask since he didn't want to choke on the dust-up there.

He began turning the lights on and using the broom to take down any spiderwebs and dust bunnies from their hiding spots before moving on, sweeping the room of its dust. Anything that seems like garbage was in the trash already. They didn't have a lot of stuff anyway when they left, just old decore that [M/N] hadn't put up yet and some older pictures of them as a child. Also, some decore from the old tv show he had as a child, some things that could be worth a lot now.

[M/N] placed the broom against the wall as he pushed boxes against the walls, trying to make the room seem larger. He knew there were things he didn't want to unpack just yet-

"Oh, there you are!"

[M/N] yelped as he jumped back a bit as he heard another voice, to think he would be okay with hearing voices that appeared from behind him. He bumped a few boxes behind him and one fell down, the things falling out and spilling all over the floor. Aether gasped as he walked forwards to pick the things up with Diluc coming behind him as well, his eyes looked around the attic. His hands touched some of the moving boxes and said, "Thank you for letting us stay here...any other sane person would've kicked us out."

"No problem...I just wished Venti would stop drinking my wine...I barely drink.." [M/N] had found Venti drinking one of his wine bottles last night and it was empty with the giggling man.

"Ugh, don't get me started, he drinks a week load of wine in my Tavern back home." Diluc huffed to himself as [M/N] bends down to pick up the stuff. "Really? Hehe, such a tiny man drinking all that wine..I wonder how he hasn't killed over yet."

"He's...a special case." Diluc said as Aether blows dust off the book, sneezing to himself as some hit his nose. "What's that?"

"It's Auggie's baby book, I had it made when he was young." [M/N] said as he looked over his neat writing on the pink and purple book, it smelled old and old baby powder. He smiled to himself before opening the first page he saw the first page, Auggie was a few weeks old and playing with his feet a bit in the little onesie and tugging on his booties. [M/N] smiled to himself as he smoothed out the page before turning it to the next one.

Auggie's first shots and [M/N] was holding him as the nurse gave him his shots, Auggie crying and squirming in [M/N]'s arms as [M/N] looked away from the scene. Back then, his heart would pull at any cry that Auggie made for those shots. "He was getting his shorts and I couldn't bear to hear him cry." He told them as he flipped to another page to show Auggie, a few months old but with swimmers on as he played in the kid's pool at the old apartment he and [M/N] had. He looked happy as he splashed the water. "We were at the pool at the old apartment and he loved the water, little swimmers, and underwater glasses..."

"He looks...very happy in the water..." Diluc said as he bends down a tad to see the picture. He could remember Kaeya and him one time, playing in the water by the Estate.

"He was so cute as a chubby baby." Aether admitted as he looked over it before flipping the page. He flinched a bit as he felt a paper cut into his finger and looked at it, it wasn't bad and it was going into [M/N]'s mouth-


[M/N] pressed it against his lips for a moment so any dirt wouldn't touch it and pulled a small bandaid from the apron pocket, wrapping it around Aether's finger. "Be careful."

"I-I...I will." Aether managed out before the page was turned and Diluc ignored the whole scenario and saw Auggie and [M/N] taking a picture, he was a happy baby as he watched the cake be placed in front of him. The next picture was the cake smeared on Auggie's face and [M/N] glaring at the camera a bit, probably from the mess but Auggie looked happy at least. Diluc smiled to himself before flipping to the next page, sighing as he saw a cute one. It was Auggie dressed in clothes, and ready for the school behind them. [M/N] looked close to tears in the picture as Auggie looked so close to running into the school with the other kids.

" I was such a crybaby back then." [M/N] said as he noticed the page diluc was on, smiling fondly at the picture. " I didn't want him to go but he had to." He placed his hand down on the page as he felt the memories shot through him like they happened yesterday.

"Unwle! Let me go!!!" Auggie whines, pushing against [M/N]'s arms as the young adult walked towards the door without pushing kids by accident or in other parent's way as they hurried their sobbing toddler inside. 

"I will..I will! I just...not ready to let you leave..." [M/N] admitted as he held Auggie close and gently placed him down, kneeling a bit as he fixed Auggie's Thomas the Train's T-shirt and made sure his shoes were tied correctly. He looked perfect, [M/N] just wanted to buy more time with his beloved nephew. This would be the first time being away from him, and [M/N] was not ready for it yet.

"But- I want to see everyone! I want to see other boys and girls! Being with Unwle is boring now." Auggie said as he pouts when [M/N] pouts back, but he was right. Besides, Parker was in the car waiting for him too, he gets very impatient and this would be one of his moments.

"Okay! Okay...but remember if someone hurts you, punch them in the face and tell the teacher later. I won't be made...and I love you, Augustus..." [M/N] said as he ruffled Auggie's dark hair and the boy grins, hugging [M/N]'s arm. 

"I lwve you too! Bye-Bye!" Auggie shouted as he darted inside the building as kids were entering, some still crying and [M/N] sniffed to himself as he slowly walked away from the glass windows and towards the car where an annoyed Parker sat.

"What did you just do?"

[M/N] looked up a bit as he saw a hand on his shoulder and Diluc looking at him with confusion and he laughs, "Sorry..you probably saw my memory. It tends to happen when I look at photos..."

"What next, reading minds?" Diluc asked as [M/N] laughs, snorting a bit as he was told that, and shakes his head. "But...you seem to have a nice relationship with Auggie."

"Thanks...he's actually my only family.." [M/N] said as he gives a shrug and a smile to the redhead man as he closed the baby book before he could accidentally be pulled into another memory. "So..I love him very much." Diluc nods, he understood about having one more family member, his is downstairs and probably drinking with Venti. He stands and offered [M/N] a hand. He takes it and stands up, [M/N] lets go and gives a smile.

"Where did Aether go-"

"He left downstairs when he heard the door open and Klee riping open something called the Amazon." Diluc answered as [M/N] pushed the box with the baby book against the wall and closed it. 

"Good, it's time to decorate your guy's room anyway."

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