Chapter forty-three

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I was sitting on the end of the bed brushing my hair when Harper walked into my room.

"They sent someone down there to clean up" she says closing the door behind her, all I do is nod in response.

"Nobody's mad at you Iris" she says tentatively walking towards me 

"I don't care if people are mad at me anyway, won't change the fact that I did what I did, and don't regret it." I don't give her a chance to say anything before I exit the room and head downstairs.

"Make way for the queen!" Kris hypes me up as I enter the giant living room, her hoots and cheers fall on deaf ears, she's the only one laughing and cheering.

"Thanks, Kris, you're the best hypeman ever" I roll my eyes as I slug my arm over her shoulders, I look down at her, letting all the love I have for my sister show in them, her smile grows impossibly bigger.

"Since we finally got that obstacle out of the way, what do you say we start getting my coronation ready, I do plan on having it this weekend, that's only four days away." I say after a moment, glad that they welcomed the change in topic.

"Whatever you want kitten" Xander says coming to my side, slinging an arm around my shoulder and placing a chaste kiss on my cheek.

"Lovely, shall we?" 


My coronation is tomorrow and I have yet to tell Xander that I'm pregnant, don't get me wrong I'm not scared or anything, kind of. I mean what if he's not ready for a baby, although it's common in the werewolf world to have pups young. He wasn't raised like us, what if he finds it all overwhelming, and he freaks out? 

"What is going on inside that little head of yours hm?" Xander wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, I reach my hand back to run my finger through his hair.

"How would you feel about having a family?" I ask turning around and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"A family? well, I don't know, I've never really thought of it, maybe sometime in the way future." I felt myself deflate slightly, he didn't want a family right now, and I heard the emphasis on 'way'.

"Oh" was all I could come up with in response, lame.

"I didn't mean to upset you kitten, but I just think we should focus on ourselves and our relationship before bringing a life into the world, a kid isn't like getting a cat." I glare at him

"You think I don't know that? you think I don't know the responsibility about having a child?" I all but yell.

"I never said that, but it is a huge responsibility Iris, we're just kids, we haven't even gotten married yet and you're thinking of kids? hell I don't even know if I want any!" he screams and I couldn't help the sting that shot through my heart at his last words, he didn't even want to have a family with me at all.

"If that's how you feel" and with that I leave the room, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill.

"Girl, what's wrong?" I feel a hand on my shoulder as I'm walking down the hallway, I look up to be met with the not-so-friendly (but friendly to me) eyes of Harper, my best friend.

"Xander, he-he" I couldn't even finish the sentence before sobs racked my body, she took me under her wing and brought me to the room she was staying in.

"Now calm down, breathe, and tell me what the fuck my brother did" she says after we take a seat on her bed.

"He told me that he doesn't want to start a family" I say, finally hearing just how pathetic my reasoning for crying this hard was.

"What the hell, he is such a dick, don't worry Iris, by the time you're ready for children he will be too" she says placing her hand on my thigh reassuringly, but her words weren't reassuring at all.

"Harper" I say meekly

"hm?" she answers giving me her full attention.

"I'm pregnant" her eyes were as wide as saucers

"well shit, that explains a lot" she says, the last bit more to herself.

"what do I do Harp? he doesn't want this baby, I don't even know if I do anymore" I felt a sting resonate throughout my cheek, did she just, slap me?!


"don't say that ever again Iris, you are going to love this baby, and so won't Xander, so what if the timing is shitty, everything happens for a reason, but this child" she says the last part touching my stomach.

"you won't even remember what life what like before them, so go tell Xandy" she says encouragingly and I cast her a weary smile.

"okay" and with that, I'm off to find my mate.

I found him right where I knew I would, in his study, well technically it's my dad's but with coronation around the corner it's practically Xanders, I knock lightly on the already open door.

"Come in" he answers gruffly not even sparing a glance upwards to see who it is.

"Is that any way to talk to your future Luna?" I say smugly watching his head shoot up in my direction.

"Kitten, I'm glad you came to see me" he gets up and closes the door behind me.

"I need to tell you something" I say taking a deep breath, I've faced a lot of scary things before but not like this.

"Please let me go first." I nod for him to continue.

"It's not that I don't want to start a family with you, I do Iris, but I'm scared, I don't know what it means to be a dad, I barely have one, well had one. I don't know how to be a good parent Iris, what if something happens and it's all my fault." he says choking on tears a bit.

"I'm pregnant" out of all the ways to tell him I was pregnant, blurting it out like this wasn't one of them, but then again nothing goes according to plan, ever so.

"What?" he stares at me wide-eyed

"Please don't make me repeat it, I'm sure you heard me, and listen I know it's shitty timing but Xander we can do it, we can be good parents even as afraid as you are, but we're not alone, we have each other, and Harper and my sister and parents, and all our friends. we got this baby." I place a kiss on his lips and he pulls me close to him.

"I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad" 



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