chapter nine

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After Mackenzie said something, Jasper moved his head to look at the door, once he made eye contact with me his eyes went wide, he rolled off of Mackenzie.

"Iris" he started, but couldn't finish his sentence, he obviously didn't know what to say.

"what the fuck is this?" I said quietly but sternly while my tears betrayed me and rolled down my face

"what do you think princess? having sex obviously" Mackenzie chirped in making Jasper glare at her.

"shut the fuck up Mackenzie" he growled, he quickly threw on a pair of black basketball shorts and started walking towards me, at this point I had shut the door behind me so no one outside could see, he reached for me.

"don't you dare touch me" I growled out and his face fell he let his hands fall

"Iris, please" he pleaded making me scoff even though tears continued to run down my face.

"what Jasper? please what?" I yelled

"I'm sorry okay?" he said pleadingly.

"oh you're sorry? I doubt that, what are you sorry for Jasper? sorry you slept with this bitch or sorry that I caught you" I said looking at Mackenzie while she smirked, I hadn't even noticed she had put her red bra on with matching panties.

"Iris, why are you mad? you rejected me" he yelled out, I didn't think I'd hurt him this much.

"because Jasper, I liked you" I yelled back

"then why the fuck did you reject me?" he was screaming this time.

"you wanna know why you piece of shit? because I found my mate" I screamed back slightly out of breath because of how angry I was, he looked at me blankly.

"you what?" he said softly

"I found my mate, and I still liked you, I knew I belonged with my mate that's why I rejected you, and I came here tonight to explain everything to you, because even though we slept together and had feelings for each other you were my best friend and I didn't want to lose you" I cried out, and these weren't tears that meant I was sad, no I was pissed.

"I didn't know that" he said softly

"no of course you didn't, and I come here to see you fucking the pack slut, not even a full five hours after you told me you loved me, any feelings I had for you are gone" I screamed at him and his face went pale.

"listen bitch I'm not a slut" Mackenzie said crossing her arms across her chest, I looked over at her.

"you are too, almost every unmated male you've fucked so don't try me" I growled out and she growled back.

"don't get an attitude with me just because I'm better than you, in many ways" she smirked and I took a step closer to her.

"you knew about me and him didn't you?" I said and she nodded

"you bet your ass I did, because every time you and Jasper got into an argument, or anything close to it, even if you teased him too much, he came back to me told me everything, princess, and then after he opened up to me, he fucked me all night long" she smiled and I turned and looked at Jasper but he refused to look at me.

"how many times Jasper" I asked lowly, he refused to answer

"too many to count, hell we even fucked after you and him fucked" my eyes went wide and I heard Jasper intake a breath, Mackenzie took a step towards me and I growled.

"I'd watch how close you get to me if I were you" I growled out, she continued to walk towards me until we were chest against chest.

"you think he really loved you? you thought you were something special didn't you? well guess what princess, he fucked you over just like everyone else in your life, just like your dad when he put you through your special training"she whispered in my ear making me growl and shove her away from me.

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