chapter seven

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about a half an hour later and I have my head phones in listening to parents by yung blub because my parents decided to play some stupid song that was annoying as fuck, I was staring out the window when I felt my phone vibrate in my lap. I looked down at my phone to see my sister had texted me, I looked over at her to see her motioning to the phone, I sighed and read the text.

Kris: so what were you and Jasper doing? I looked over at her and she was smirking at me

me: I don't know what you're talking about, Jasper came up to see if I was ready and I still needed to get dressed. I texted back

Kris: so nothing happened between you guys? She looked over at me and raised an eye brow

me: nope

I knew she knew I was lying but I wasn't going to admit that something had happened, I heard let out a loud sigh she was obviously upset I wasn't telling her.

"what's wrong hunny?" my mother asked from the front seat

"huh? oh nothing I just can't wait to be there" Kris said coming up with an obvious lie, my dad laughed.

"good to know you're excited Kris but we still have about two hours left before we get there" my dad said while looking at her in the rear view mirror, Kris' eyes widened.

"Jesus I feel like we've already been driving for a month" she says being her usual over dramatic self as per usual, we all laughed.

"someone fucking shoot me already" she whispered, which if we were in a car full of humans they wouldn't of been able to hear her, but in this case she said it in a car full of werewolves, stupid move Kris.

"Kris Marie Bloodmoon, watch your mouth" my mother snapped after she turned in her seat to give my sister a hard glare.

"sorry" my sister said meekly, as much of a badass she can be, she is deathly afraid of our parents, only when they get upset, making me giggle at her, she glared at me and smacked me in the back of the head once our mom turned back around.

"ow you bitch" I growled at her while grabbing the back of my head, my mom shot back around to glare at me this time.

"Iris Penelope Bloodmoon, that goes for you too" she growls out I nodded at her and gave her a quick sorry making Kris giggle while I glared at her.

I turned my attention back out the window, I played my music again as I watched the trees fly by, I started to feel my eyes become heavy before I let myself succumb to sleep.


I was woken up by someone violently shaking me

"what the fuck?" I said while pealing my eyes open, I look over to see Jasper with his hand on my shoulder.

"well good morning princess" I look around to see we arrived at the pack house, and no one else was in the car.

"they went without me? why didn't they wake me up?" I said sitting up and stretching with my hands above my head.

"they tried to but you wouldn't wake up so I told them to bring everything inside and I'd take care of waking you up" he chuckled and I blushed

"sorry" I mumbled

"don't be, it don't bother me princess" he shrugged an helped me out of the car giving me the chance to actually take in how breathtaking the pack house was, just the outside gave off a woodsy vibe, with the old bricks and flower vines that went up the sides of the walls, it was beautiful.

"wow" I whispered as i set my suite case next to me

"it's beautiful isn't it" Jasper came and whispered in my ear, I hadn't even noticed he had gotten so close to me, I couldn't form any words so I nodded in response.

"Not as beautiful as you, but still beautiful" he said before he kissed my cheek making me turn red and push him away.

"be careful what you do around others, someone could have seen that" I whisper yelled at him as I grabbed my suite case and started to walk towards the front door of the pack house, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me around the corner of the building.

"so what if someone sees?" my eyes widen

"Jasper don't act recklessly" I said back 

"what is the big deal? why don't you want people to know? hell why can't you just be mine" his voice cracked.

"because Jasper, imagine what my family would think if they found out I didn't wait for my mate, and if everyone else found out I would be the pack slut, I'd be a terrible Luna and they all already hate me, you can make that two pack sluts you've fucked if you add me to the list" I said as calmly as I could, I was scared to tell him about my mate because I realized something, I liked Jasper, but a part of me well, all of me is with my mate.

"They wouldn't care if we were together Iris, they wouldn't care if you were finally mine" he said, I could tell he was starting to get upset.

"we can't be together Jasper" I said while lifting my arms then dropping them back to my sides.

"and why not? are you gonna say that you have no feelings for me? that all those nights together meant nothing?" he said and his eye shown hurt and anger.

"Jasper, our mates" I said weakly, he sighed

"is that what this is about? what's gonna happen if I find my mate" he practically yelled

"It's not and 'if' Jasper, it's when, because I know that the moment you find your mate you'll forget all about me, and same goes for me" I yelled right back and his expression softened, he took a step closer and grabbed my chin.

"I would never forget about you Iris" he said, his mouth only millimeters away from mine

"how do you know?" I retorted

"because I love you Iris" he said softly and my breath hitched in my throat, I stood the frozen not knowing what to say or do, I can't feel for him, I'm supposed to love my mate, not Jasper, so why does rejecting him hurt so much?

"say something princess" his voice cracked again

"I-" he looked at me expectantly 

"I don't feel the same way Jasper, I'm sorry" I said and watched his face fall making my heart tug, his hands dropped from my face and I grabbed my suite case before heading back around the building and through the front door, I didn't even take the time to look around and observe the inside of the house, I went straight to where my dad was standing.

"hey dad can you show me where my room is please?" I asked without making eye contact

"sure, follow me" he lead me up the grand stair case in the middle and we took a left and then stopped almost right after making my room the first door on the right.

"here you go kiddo" I mumbled a quick thanks before turning the knob, but before I entered the room my dad grabbed my shoulder.

"are you alright kiddo?" he asked and I nodded my head

"yeah just wanted to get everything unpacked and get a feel for my room" I quickly lied and he nodded in understanding before making his way back down the stairs.

Once I entered my room I took in the decor, there was a twin size bed in the middle of the room up against the back wall and it had purple blankets and sheets and pillows, the rug was purple same as the furniture, basically everything was purple, I set my suite case next to the closet and went and sat on the edge of my bed, I finally decided to let the tears fall, I sobbed even harder as my mind kept replaying what just happened in my head.

I don't love him, so why does it hurt so much?


*not edited*

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