Chapter twenty-two

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I pulled away from the kiss discreetly wiping my lips, I look over at Iris and she's staring at the ground uncomfortably, shit.

"Baby?" I asked softly and she looked up at me giving me a quick glance of her eyes which were glowing, I gasped, Kris peeped over my shoulder.

"Shit Iris, go in the Kitchen" She said rushing into the house with Iris following behind her.

"what the fuck was that about?" Tiffany scoffs

"I don't even know" I said still shocked, and it was true, I honestly don't know what I just saw.

"I don't know why you fuck with her, she's so weird, and you haven't known her that long either, She's not that pretty and she's not that skinny, she-" 

"Jesus Tiffany, shut the fuck up" I cut in and she stared at me

"what?" she said softly, surprised

"I said shut the fuck up, She's so much prettier than you will ever be, and she is skinny, there's a difference ya know, she's skinny and curvy and you're a fucking twig, now if you'll excuse me" I said angrily before I stormed into the house after Iris.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Iris with looking down with tears in her eyes and my heart shattered.

"Iris, what was that?" I asked and she shook her head.

"nothing, I'm leaving" she says grabbing her swim suite off of the chair, I acted quickly and grabbed her wrist.

"No don't leave I'm sorry I was just trying to make her happy" I said and I coulda sworn I heard her, growl?

"You're supposed to make me happy Xander, not that bitch, you have no idea what it's like watching her hang all over you and I can't rip her fucking throat out, It hurts Xander" my shoulders slump once I realized how badly I've hurt her, I look at anything but her eyes, I refuse to see the true hurt. 

"I know Iris I'm sorry" I say with my head down.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, YOU'RE MY MATE" she yells and my head snaps up to look at her, her eyes glowing an ocean blue, I remember those eyes, I shiver at the memory of the beautiful white wolf.

"Those eyes" I say, her eyes continue to blaze with a mixture of emotions, anger, hurt, pride, her eyes are, beautiful. 

She turns and bolts out of the house leaving me and Kris in the living room, Kris gulps nervously before turning to me.

"Please don't tell anyone, I beg of you" she says grabbing my hands and my expression softens.

"I would never" I say and she seems to relax, before letting me go and walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna go wait at home for her, tell Kaylee I had to leave" she says racing out of the front door,I had a feeling that just didn't sit right with me, but I ignored it I ran to where everyone else still was.

"Tiffany you need to leave" I said angrily and she looked at me

"but why?" she pouts and I rake my fingers through my hair

"Because I said so now get the fuck out of my damn house" I barked and she flinched before collecting her stuff and walking into the house, I wait until I hear the front door shut to speak.

"Devon can you excuse yourself as well?" I asked plopping down on the seat rubbing my face, he just shrugged before heading inside and out the front door.

"she's a wolf" I said and everyone gasped

"what?" Harper said and I nodded my head confirming my last statement.

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