chapter twenty-one

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After we all got changed into dry clothes we all walked back to the fire, I went to cuddle with Xander on the couch while Kris sat on the other end of the couch next to me closest to Chase who was cuddled up with Quinn in the chair next to us.

We we all laughing when the queen herself decided to "grace us" with her presence, her eyes instantly landed on me and Xander and she shot daggers at me, let's just say if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Xandy darling, come sit with me over here" her voice chirped as she sat down in the love seat next to his side of the couch, he looked at me before I felt him slowly shift under me, I place my hand on his chest and he looks down at me apologetically.

"Actually Tiffany, I think he'll stay here with me" I say sweetly at her and Harper coughs to cover her laugh.

"nobody was asking you" she said back viciously and I sat up leaning towards her

"And nobody asked you to be here yet you showed up anyways" I whispered and she glared at me as I sat back into Xander's embrace.

"whatever" she said slumping into her seat making me smile triumphantly

"Hey I have an idea" Kaylee piped up, I looked at her, I had almost forgotten she was here, we all stared at her expectantly.

"let's play spin the bottle" she said sneaking a peek at Jack, it was obvious she was attracted to him, but to go this length just to possibly get a kiss even though he has a girlfriend is a bit much.

"sure" Tiffany chimed in staring directly at me, everyone else agreed saying it didn't matter it was just a game and so I reluctantly agreed as well.

We all got into a circle next to the fire, me next to Xander, Tiffany next to him as well of course, my sister next to me and across from Chase obviously.

"all right who's going first?" Harper asked and Kaylee grabbed the empty wine cooler bottle.

"me I guess" she said spinning the bottle, the bottle went around about three times before slowly coming to a stop in front of Kris.

"well this should be good" Chase said and Quinn smacked his shoulder while Kris blushed softly making me giggle silently.

Kris crawled over to Kaylee who happened to be seated next to Chase, Kris leaned forward hesitantly and grabbed Kaylee's face, softly pressing her lips to Kaylee's before slipping her tongue into her mouth and my eyes widened in shock, I wasn't expecting her to get that into it, I was thinking just a peck, but then I looked at Chase and he was staring lustfully at Kris while she made out with Kaylee, that explained it, she wanted to impress him.

She backed away slowly and Kaylee looked flushed with red swollen lips and she cleared her throat before speaking out of breath.

"who's next?" she asked and everyone laughed lightly at how flustered she seemed, everyones turn started going by, Jack landed on Xander so he kissed his cheek which was funny because of how awkward the whole thing was, Trinity landed on Jack, shocker. Quinns landed on me and she pecked my lips lightly and I giggled at her, Chase's landed on Jack so he kissed his forehead like a child It was My turn to go and so I slowly spin the bottle watching it fall on Harper, she landed on Sophia her turn as did Sophia land on Harper her turn, Harper kisses my cheek softly and I wave my hand in front of my face pretending to fan girl, making everyone laugh.

Next it was Kris' turn she spun her bottle and it slowly landed on Chase, I inwardly squealed for her, I could hear her fast heartbeat all the way from here, I could hear her sharp intake of breath every time he got closer to her. Once he reached her she seemed so small compared to his broad body and large muscles, he grabbed her chin softly and placed his lips to her and it makes me remember the feeling I got when Xander kissed me for the first time, the electric shocks that ran through my body, it made me shiver just thinking about it. 

Kris got a little too into the kiss and I was worried about Chase not liking her anymore and Quinn not wanting her around, Kris placed her arms around his neck and pushed her tongue into his mouth, I was surprised when I saw Chases arm sneak around her waist, it was only when Quinn cleared her throat that they pulled apart out of breath and Chase made his way back to Quinn who threw her arms around him in a territorial way, Kris was sitting there flushed and out of breath but I could see the faintest smile placed on her lips as she reached up and touched them.

It was now Xander's turn to go and I'm so glad that the bottle landed on me, he turned towards me and smirked as I smiled at him, he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer before nibbling on my lip before placing his lips with mine, my hands played with the hair at the back of his head and I smiled into the kiss before pulling away making him, whimper? like a puppy, which he quickly covered up and passed the bottle to Tiffany since it was now finally her turn.

She spun the bottle and I watched as it landed on the one person I was hoping it wouldn't, Xander. She smirked as she grabbed the collar of his hoodie and pulled him forward smashing her lips to his, she quickly slipped her tongue into his mouth, but the worst part was he went along with it and kissed her back just as hard, I saw her hand slide down his chest and rage bubbled inside me,  I looked down because they were still kissing. Fucking bitch, how dare to touch what's mine, I want to rip her head off so fucking back, my body starts to shake until I feel someone touch my shoulder.

"Baby?" Xander said and I looked at him, when he saw me he gasped slightly and it was that moment that Kris came over and saw me.

"shit Iris, go in the kitchen" she said helping me off the ground while covering my face and we hurried into the kitchen.

"what's wrong?" I asked worried and she glared at me.

"your fucking eyes are glowing, are you trying to ruin this?" She said angrily and my mouth dropped open as I rubbed my eyes, hard.

"don't worry they stopped when I started bringing you inside, but Xander saw" she said rubbing her temple and I bit my lip.

"I'm sorry, she was just, all over him and I can't do anything about it, he just sit there and let it fucking happen Kris, I know this is a game but come on that's fucking unbelievable" I raise my voice as tears prick my eyes and Xander walks in and stares at me.

"Iris, what was that?" He asked and I was suddenly filled with rage, and hurt all over again

"nothing, I'm leaving" I say grabbing my bathing suite from the chair that it was hanging off of, Xander reached out and grabbed my wrist.

"No don't leave I'm sorry I was just trying to make her happy" he said and I growled slightly but caught myself, he heard though.

"You're supposed to make me happy Xander, not that bitch, you have no idea what it's like watching her hang all over you and I can't rip her fucking throat out, It hurts Xander" I say as I choke on a sob, my eyes no doubt glowing right now, but I didn't care I was too mad to care.

"I know Iris I'm sorry" he says avoiding eye contact, which I'm grateful for because it means he can't see my eyes, but at the same time I want him to, I want him to remember me, the way he first saw me.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, YOU'RE MY MATE" I yell and instantly wish I hadn't, his head snaps up to look at me and his eyes widen and his mouth falls open.

"those eyes" he whispered softly and I turned and bolted out of the house and down the street, I ran until my human form couldn't carry me, I shifted into my wolf as I bolted into the woods, it felt nice to run in wolf form, I hadn't in a while and I forgot how much I missed it, two things were certain right now, one, I can't go home right now, and two....

He knows....



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