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Can they speed up a little bit please. I want to get out of here. Bla bla bla. School is important I know but it's the last day before summer so who gives a fuck.

„Okay...well I wish you all a good summer and stay safe" My Englisch teacher says which causes everyone to storm out of class while I take my time. I don't have any good friends in my English class so nobody waited for me anyway and I want to properly say goodbye to my Englisch teacher because I literally love her. She's so chilled and understanding. We often talked when she saw that I'm not feeling well.

„Goodbye Miss Wilson" I wave. „Goodbye Lia. Have a good summer!" she smiles. „Thank you, you too!" I say as I'm walking out of the room.

I walk down the hall and spot two familiar faces. Justin and Paul, my best friends. „Liaaa" Justin greets me. „The one and only" I chuckle and hug both of them.

They are one year older than me, which means that they're juniors and I'm a sophomore, well after summer they're seniors and I'm a junior but you get what I mean.

I love them both so much. I never had someone this caring before them. They're very protective over me and helped me through a lot.

We walk outside and wait for the teachers to give us our qualifications.


"Thank you!" I say to one of the teacher who gave us our qualifications.

I walk up to Justin and Paul who already have theirs.

"Let me see" Paul says and tries to grab my qualification but I quickly pull it away so he can't reach it. "I didn't even looked at it myself" I chuckle and look down on my qualification.

"Well...it's definitely not my best year but it's okay" I look over all the grades and give it to Paul so he can look.

"Really?" He raises one eyebrow at me after he looked at my grades. "What?" I say confused.

"You don't even have bad grades"

"I didn't say I have bad grades. I just said that it wasn't my best year" I wink at him.

"How are yours?" I ask them both. "Not good but who cares. I passed, that's the only important thing." Justin says smiling. "Mines similar to yours. A little better maybe" Paul smirks at me. "Shut up, we all know you're a nerd".
"I'm definitely not a nerd"
"Yes you are"
"Ha! Got ya" I cheered because I tricked him. "Fuck you" he rolls his eyes but smiles at the same time.


"I'm home" I yell as I walk through the door. "Hey sweetie, how was school?" My mom approaches me. "Like always" I chuckle. She asks me this everyday and every time I give her the same answer.

I love my mom so much. She became my best friend last year. We didn't always had that good of a relationship. We went through a lot of fights over the years and not harmful fights. We basically didn't liked each other. But I'm so happy that we found our way back.

"Are you hungry?" She pulls me out of my thoughts. "Ugh yes, I'm starving".
"I made your favorite food" she smiles at me and puts the food on the counter.

"So how's your qualification?".
I do a little hand signal because I have my mouth full with food and can't speak.

"Okay now" I chuckle. "It was good. Not my best year but I'm happy" I smile. "That's good. I'm happy that you're satisfied with your grades." I nod and finish my food.

We talked about summer and tomorrow until my dad came home from work.

"Hey" he approaches us. "Hey" I say without looking at him. "Hey" my mom says with the same look I had but less noticeable.

"How's your qualification?" He asks me. "It's good. Not the best but I'm happy with it" I say for the third time today. "Why is it not the best? Did you not study enough?" He looks at me serious.

"Yes I did"

"Then why is it not the best?"

"I don't know dad but it doesn't matter anyways because I passed and that's the most important thing" I say and mentally roll my eyes. He looks at me one more time before he goes upstairs to change his work clothes.

I hate him. I know 'hate' is a very harsh word and I probably don't hate him but now I just feel like I hate him. He just makes me so angry every time he speaks with me.

"Lia stop thinking about him and unclench your fists" my mom pulls me out of my thoughts. I look down to my hands and in fact I had them clenched. I didn't even noticed.


"Yes?" I hear a knock on the door. "Go to bed honey. You have to wake up early tomorrow" my mom says. "I will go to bed in thirty minutes" I respond.

"Okay. Do you have everything packed? Did you check your check-list? Should I check it?".

"Yes I did and no you don't have to. Im sure I have everything" I chuckle. "Good. Im going to bed now so good night" she says and walks out of the room. "Good Night".

I'm so excited for tomorrow. I really have to go to sleep now because I set my alarm at 6am and I don't want to be tired.


The few upcoming chapters are short and will go slow because most of it is introducing and stuff, I hope you don't mind. Anyways...

First chapter yay!!

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