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I look out the window and remember the car rides with my family. My father used to drive, my mother was obviously passenger and me and my brother sat in the backseat. I love long car or bus drives. Don't ask me why.

I also remember playing this little game on car rides with my family. Every time my parents were fighting, I looked out of the window and made words with the letters from random license plates. This always worked to distract me.

My parents had a lot of fights in the past years. They weren't harmful either. They used to go violent all the time. I tried to step between them but my brother hold me back and brought me to my room. He did what I tried to do and I sat in my room crying and wondering if he comes upstairs with a bruise or not.

It stopped being violent a year ago. I don't know why but it did. I was always on the side of my dad. He manipulated me so bad that I thought my mom was the bad one. I hated my mom, that's why we used to not come along.

One day last summer she sat alone in our garden and looked at the stars. I don't know why but I joined her. I sat down and looked at the stars with her. We started a conversation and somehow we ended up talking about the relationship of her and my dad. She told me everything that happened in the last years. I couldn't believe what she said because it was the complete opposite of what my dad said. Her story made so much more sense tho and she had proof too. Since this night I talked more with my mom and we actually came along so good. I distanced myself more and more from my father because I started to realize what he has done and what he still does.

My father noticed my behavior of course and when he found out why I'm acting like I do, he tried to-

"Lia!" I spin my head to Paul. "Let's go!" I look around the bus and see that most of the people are already outside. I stand up and walk with Paul outside.

We drove 2 hours to a mini golf course. I've never done mini golf before but I'm excited to learn it.

"You good?" Paul asks me as we step out of the bus and go to the others. "Yes" I look at him and smile.

"Excited for mini golf?" Caleb wiggles with his eyebrows when me and Paul approach them. "I've never done it before but yes" I smile. "You never played mini golf before?" He says shocked. "Nope" I say. "That's a shame. I will teach you. Me and Theo are mini golf pros" he points to Theo. "Right?" He nudges Theo. "Mhm?" He snaps out of his thoughts. "I said that we're gonna teach Lia how to mini golf because we're pros" he repeats. "Oh yeah sure" he smiles.

"Can I have your attention please!" Markus shouts so that everybody can hear him. We all turn around and listen to him. "As you already know, today we're gonna play mini golf. We're not gonna make teams, we all just play against each other and for those who don't know how to play mini golf you can pair up with someone. Now let's go and have some fun" he goes in the mini golf course.

"Caleb can I pair up with you? You said you were a mini golf pro and I never played it before so..." Liv comes up to Caleb.

"You never played it before too? Damn. But yes, after we played together you will be as good as Theo, not as me tho because I'm unbeatable" he says jokingly and kinda serious.

"Oh come on Caleb you know that I'm better than you" Theo comes from behind. "You wish." Caleb scoffs. "Okay let's make a deal. You're gonna teach Liv and im gonna teach Lia. They play normal like we do and see at the end which one of them wins. When Lia wins then I'm better, when Liv wins then you're better. Deal?" Theo suggests. "Deal" Caleb says and they do a handshake.

Theo throws his arm around me and walks with me to the lady who gives us two putters and a ball. "Thank you for asking me if I even want to play with you" I say sarcastic. "I know you wanted to play with me so I didn't asked" he winks. His winks are so cute.

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