Chapter 67

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Destiny's pov

They pushed Liam on the stretcher inside the emergency room closing the door. They said us to wait outside.

I leaned against the wall and looked at my hands. It was covered in Liam's blood. Even my shirt was covered in his blood. Tears has not stopped running down my face.

Ava came towards me and put her hand my shoulder. A sob left from my mouth and soon I started sobbing hard. She hugged me tightly rubbing my back. I hugged her back and cried on her shoulder. Alex came beside us and caressed my shoulder.

"Everything will be okay" Ava said.

I didn't even thought this day would come. Something happening to my love. A gunshot on him, seeing him weak made my heart weak. Though the gun was pointed at me, he took the bullet instead of me. As he said, he will always be for you. He proved that. From the scene to the hospital he would come and go back from his unconsciousness. I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn't talk back.

Ava pulled us to the chairs and made me sit. She sat beside me. Alex stood leaning against the wall. We waited around this silent place. After half an hour, I have stopped crying. I heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked up and saw my parents coming our way. I stood up and ran towards them and hugged my dad. He caressed my hair whispering sweet things as I started to cry again. I pulled away from him and hugged my mom.

"How did you guys know I was here" I asked pulling away from her.

"I called them on the way to the hospital" Ava said behind me. I turned towards her.

"Thank you" I said. We all sat on the chair. I remembered something.

"Shit, I didn't call Lily and James. They don't know anything about this" I said in worry.

"Don't worry, I informed them. They are already on their private plane to come here" Alex said.

I waited for doctors to open the door and let me in to see my Liam. But they didn't. We waited for hours.

After complete three hours, the door to emergency room opened. We all stood up seeing the doctors coming out. Only one doctor stayed back.

"Can we know about the condition of the patient inside" my dad asked.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but who are you to patient" doctor asked.

"I am Dr. Walker, the patient inside is my son. So can we know his condition" my dad said, he looked irritated. The doctor nod his head.

"We have removed the bullet from his back. Thank God the bullet was not deep. If it was, it would have caused a lot problem" my heart stopped a beat "We also checked his head. Someone had hit him hard. And this caused the operation a little difficult. There was a variation in his vitals while performing the operation" the doctor paused and looked at us.

"He might fall in coma" my world crashed hearing that. I held on my necklace tightly "Only forty percent of chances for falling him in coma. We can't assure you he might wake up. It's in his hands to wake up. We will try our best to bring him back. We will shift him to a room after an half hour. Only one person at a time is allowed. Till then please be in the waiting room. Also this case will be under cops" doctor said walking away. My dad went following him to talk.

I fell on the chair as tears welled in my eyes. Everyone was shocked about his condition.

"He will be alright" Alex whispered. I don't know if he said for us or for himself. He suddenly dashed out towards the exit. Ava ran behind him calling his name. I cried putting my hands on my head leaning on my legs. My mom sat beside me and consoled me.

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