Chapter 19

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Destiny's pov

I was in the bus going to meet my sister Amanda. Liam and I landed in Philadelphia at night by eleven. He dropped me off by my apartment saying we will meet in the office.

Yesterday was so much fun, I haven't went to amusement park since I was little. Even though he didn't say about going out, he did well. I didn't know I was dragging Liam with me throughout the park till he tug my hand.

After that he took me to London eye, it was beautiful. When he started to apologize for the past, I don't know what to do about that. He had hurt me by his insults and he didn't know what I went through after he left. I still didn't forget it. But he is trying now to apologize. I can see in his eyes, the guilt and regret. So I started with friends. He deserves a second chance for the amazing day he gave me yesterday.

But I am worried about my brother Christian, his phone has been off. He has gone to a World Tour. It's been two years we haven't seen him. After he finished his college in arts, he worked for few years and went out to explore. We would talk sometimes whenever he calls. But from two months he is not reachable for us.

The bus reached the place where I wanted to get down. I got down and started walking towards my sister house. My parents and she live just few blocks away.

I reached her door and knocked on the door. I heard the baby cry and 'who is it' coming from inside. I smiled at meeting my nephew again.

The door opened but my sister Amanda was busy in cooling the baby down that she didn't see me.

"Hello sister" hearing my voice Amanda looked at me surprised. Then she smiled at me and hugged me still carrying the baby. I hugged her back.

"Oh Sky, it's been so long. I didn't know you were coming" she broke the hug and asked.

I took the baby from her hand and started cooing him to stop him cry.

"Yeah it is, so I decided to pay a visit. How are you and the baby" I asked and entered the house soothing the baby head to reduce his cry.

"We both are good. Thank God he is becoming silent, he was crying from fifteen minutes. You handle well with babies" she said shutting the door.

"What can you say, I am amazingggg " I said singing the word amazing.

She shook her head at me while laughing.

We both sat on the couch in the living room. The baby was sleeping in my arms now.

"I completely forgot! What did you name him" I asked.

"I named him Nick Ivan Walker" she said looking at the baby.

"Aww.. It's beautiful just like him. And you gave Chris middle name to him" I said caressing his cheek.

"How old he is now" I asked.

"Eight months, he just began to crawl you know. It was wonderful" she said.

I smiled at her.

"I was about to go to mom's and dad's home. Come on before Nick wakes up from his power nap" she said and took the bag containing Nick's baby items.

We both started walking to our parents home. I was carrying nick. We talked and laughed till we reach home. I said to Amanda that I will hide beside the doors so our parents won't see me and catch their reaction about not bringing the baby.

Amanda knocked the door and waited for them to come. The door opened and heard my mom voice.

"Oh you have come Amanda" then I heard she screamed inside "Darling, Amanda came with...... Wait, where is the baby. Oh God you lost him. David come here Amanda came alone" I was laughing silently and I saw Amanda holding her laugh by biting her cheeks inside.

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