Chapter 6

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A surprise chapter.

Liam's Pov

I was taking a break from this hectic interview today. I take back what I said after Alexis stated about crazy people. To think now I am scared, and this doesn't need to know for Alexis otherwise she will tease me like hell.

When the interview started, and the first candidate entered the office, knowing by her looks I know she came here for one thing. And that is sex. When she started to lick her lips, intensionly leaning on the desk by keeping her hands on it. I sent her out.

These kind of activities are not intended to be done here. This is a work place not a damn pub to invite to do something. I prefer people who work their jobs properly and not divert their thoughts to other things. They should be smart enough to complete their given work. I prefer efficient worker not these money minded and dirty thoughts people.

As the interview continued, the people's turned out to be bad than I thought. In one of those, a girl came with the crop top to the office. 'Like seriously who the hell wears crop top to the office' . Her top didn't even cover her chest properly. I didn't even interviewed her and sent her the way she came inside.

Some of them were intelligent, but their intentions were not good. Well some have good thoughts, but didn't have the knowledge to work. Some were completely idiots. Some even started talking about something which doesn't make any sense, like they speak we have been friends for years. I didn't even get a single men for the interview. I don't know why Alexis selected these kind of people.

'Did you do something to her in the past and now she is taking revenge now' my mind asked

I thought for a while 'I think she did it intentionally for the pranks I pulled on her'

'I think now it's your time to prank her for arranging this horrible interview for you' my mind asked.

'well I will think about that'

Someone knocked at the door, I replied with 'come in'. Alexis entered the door with hot coffee in her hand. Ahh my favorite drink in the perfect time. This is what I needed now from this hectic day.

She placed my cup of coffee on the table and talked "Sir there are only two candidates left outside now". I nodded my head at her. I removed my coat and placed around my chair.

"So did you like anyone in this, which  you have been interviewd through" she asked. I shaked my head and lifted the cup of coffee in my hand. "No Alexis, and I don't even know why you have chosen them" I replied to her and took a sip of my coffee. It's too hot to drink, so I placed it again on the desk.

"I thought you have already know this answer" she smirked while replying. As I thought.

"OK send the next one, I want to complete this fast" I said to her. She nodded her head and went out.

I heared a door knock and I replied 'come in'. This one was good, but I didn't like the attitude she was giving. Like she know better than me. I dismissed her.

After she went out, I took the coffee and started drinking it. It's not to hot now, it's like I referred to be. As I was drinking, the door to my office room burst opened, which I didn't expected it. Due to that I was startled, so the coffee in my hand slipped and fell on my shirt and started staining it.

I got up from the seat and cursed at my action "Shit". When I look up I saw Alexis laughing at me. "Alexis stop laughing, why did you enter like that. I know you don't enter my room with out my knowing. Why did you do that" I said to her looking up and down from her to my shirt.

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