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Currently I was sitting at a fancy restaurant with Father, Soojin and her parents.

Of course Suho didn't want to come.

Father had arranged a dinner because I have come back to Korea after a long time.

When I was in Korea before I used to visit Soojin's house every single day. We used to play together.

I remember both of us making a fort with blankets and pillows in her room. We also sneaked lots of snacks from the kitchen. Even if  we got caught many times it didn't stop us.

She was my best friend.

We were sitting in a round table. Father on my right, Mrs. Kang on my left, beside her is Mr. Kang and across me is Soojin.

I was wearing a black dress which was not too simple or too over the top but somewhere in the middle. I will say it fitted the environment where I am right now.

Father had picked me up from Suho's house. In the car ride, he talked on the phone about a meeting or something and I just watched the night sky which surprisingly had loads of stars today.

We were the one to first reach the destination. After not so long Soojin and her parents arrived.

Soojin's mother engulfed me in a hug seeing me. Well her mother loves me a lot.

To them I was the 'perfect girl'. Did I forget to tell you Soojin's father has a obsession with everything being perfect?

Like he wants Soojin to be always top of the class. And be top in everything.

And I was like the 'perfect child' he wanted but couldn't get. Cause Kang Soojin comes second in class not first and her father gets upset about it.

Yes I know about this. I happened to see what Mr. Kang does when Soojin doesn't come first.

Father and Mr. Kang were long time friends. That's how our families are so close. Mother also had a good friendship with Mrs. Kang.

The whole dinner was full of Mr. Kang questioning about my time in America, study and future plan. I felt I was being interviewed. Also he threw some comments at Soojin time to time which I disliked but still kept my mouth shut.

Finally the horrible dinner ended and we said our goodbyes.

Father dropped me at Suho's home.

I didn't see Suho anywhere maybe outside.

So I went to bed.

So fucking tired.

|°•The next day•°|

I woke up from Suho throwing a Pikachu plushie at me. My poor Pikachu.

After dragging myself to the bathroom I got ready.

Downstairs Suho was already eating his breakfast.

I joined him. I was literally dozing off while eating.

Suho kicked my leg from under the table "open your eyes and eat or else we will be late". I hissed in pain waking up a little.

After my sleepy breakfast now we were in the bus. Let me tell you I also slept in the bus. My head was on Suho's shoulder. Luckily he did not say anything and let me sleep.

But my nap was broken when the bus stopped and Suho got up making me almost hit my head.

I glared at his figure which was outside the bus now. He does this every single day. He just leaves me in the bus.

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