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"Can anyone explain what's going on here?" Soo-Ah said pointing at me and Jinu.

I shook my hands "it's not what you think" I pointed at Jinu "he is just my friend. We are not dating or anything".

But everyone still had that the look that said I don't believe you. I sighed deeply "let me just introduce you. This is Jeon Jinho, my best friend" I pointed at Jinu.

"And Jinu that's Soojin, Soo-Ah, Taehoon and Seojun" I pointed at each of them. Jinu greeted everyone with his oh-so charming smile. I could see Soo-Ah already fangirling over him.

"So he is just your friend? Nothing more?" Seojun spoke up checking Jinu from up to down. Dramatic much?

"But friend doesn't fit well. They do couple stuff like the app" Taehoon said.

"Aish! It's not like that. Yeah, I know we have that couple app because when I was in America I used to go to places without telling him. So to track me he had installed that app in my phone and I just didn't delete it" I explained.

"It's true. Beside I would never date her" Jinu said making me glare at him. "Now what was that suppose to mean? Are you saying I am not someone who could date you? Why? What's wrong with me? Am I bad looking? Am I too short? Do I talk weirdly?" I poked Jinu's shoulder with every sentence.

He grabbed my hand "no, no! There's nothing wrong with you" he mischievously smiled.

"Are you sure you are not dating?" Soo-Ah spoke up. "Yeah, cause you fight like a married couple" Taehoon said making Soo-Ah nod.

"Ya! Let's just go home. We will talk about this later" I said pushing Jinu towards his motorcycle.

"See you guys tomorrow" I waved at the four of them. "Bye" Jinu said doing same.

He got on his motorcycle and passed me the spare helmet. I put the helmet on and got on the motorcycle. I waved last time at my friends before we rode off.

"I will call you tomorrow. Maybe we can meet tomorrow again" Jinu said as I got off his motorcycle. I pulled off the helmet from my head "yeah, sure" I gave him his helmet back and fixed my hair.

"Goodnight, Jagiya" he smirked as I was about to walk. I stopped in my track and looked at him "Jagiya reminds me I have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow" I sighed deeply. "But I don't want to talk" I whined.

"That's your problem" he shrugged and started his motorcycle. "Sweet dreams sugar" he rode off as I waved him.

Releasing a deep sigh, I went inside. Tomorrow is going to be a long day I can feel it in my bones.

Suho's fever had already reduced and he looked better now. I was mentally preparing all the answers of the questions Soo-Ah was about to throw at me.

I was in front of my class when I saw a crowd was formed in front of the class next to mine. So me being the curious person I am, walked closer to check.

I peaked through the shoulder of a girl only to see the one and only Jeon Jinho. On top of that wearing our school uniform. He freaking didn't tell me!

I decided to just walk away and pretend like I don't know him. But before I could do that we had already made eye contact. He smiled brightly as he saw me. "Sugar" he waved his hand.

I pretended like I don't know him and started to walk to my class. I took two steps and someone had grabbed my wrist "ya!" Of course, Jinu!

I looked up at him "sorry, do I know you?" I pretended. The whole crowd was behind us and was watching our interaction.

He frowned "You should be an actress you know. If someone doesn't know you they would probably think what you say is always true". "Well I wouldn't be acting if a certain someone had told me about his arrival yesterday" I rolled my eyes and started to walk.

But he pulled on my wrist making me crash in to him. Everyone gasped and whispered. "I only wanted to surprise you" he pouted.

I peaked over his shoulder to see everyone watching us like animals in zoo. "Aish! Let's go somewhere else" now I was the one gripping his wrist and dragging him to somewhere with less people.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to attend my school?" I left his hand as we found a quiet hallway. "Also that you were permanently going to stay in Korea" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Surprise?" He smirked making me sigh loudly. "You know how much I hate surprises" I whined like a six year old. "That's why it's fun" he pinched my nose.

I rubbed my nose "by the way which class are you in?" I started to walk.

"The one next to yours I think" he said walking beside me. "Ah! Cho rong's class. It's sad our classes aren't same" I said making him look at me. "Cho rong? Who is he?" He asked.

"A friend" I said and we had already reached my class. "I will see you later?" I asked making him nod.

I watched as he walked away to his class and then I entered my own. Upon entering I saw some students in a circle in the corner, discussing something.

I walked to my sit "did something happen?" I asked as I put my bag down. They all looked at me and nodded. "Everyone is in the teachers room. It's about something that happened yesterday at some karaoke place" said one girl. "I heard they are being punished for destroying the place" said another.

I had already guessed what was happening so I walked out off the room and went towards the teachers room.

Yesterday everything was caused by me. Some one else shouldn't be punished for my work.


Feeling sad or depressed?

Go and watch Hometown cha cha cha

A drama suggestion from me!

The Extrovert Leeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن