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I started to run at a random direction while dragging Seojun with me. I looked back to see those boys chasing us. Maybe running wasn't a good idea.

I ran as fast as I could. I was still dragging Seojun, he is going to kill me later.

At a time, Seojun grabbed my hand and started to lead us. I looked at our hands with my mouth open. I am feeling tingles all over my body just by looking at our hands.

Okay I shouldn't feel this way, not right now! Not when we are running from people.

I shoved the feeling at the back and ran more fast. People were looking at us like we were crazy.

Seojun then entered a dark alley. He just went left and right, anyway that could slow the boys who were chasing us. He suddenly stopped and dropped some crates on the road. Those were the shop owner's and I don't think he will be happy to see this mess.

"Really?" I said but he just ignored me and started to run again. We found a place behind some stools and sat down there. The stools hid us well. Seojun kept looking if they were coming or not.

"Are they gone?" I said trying to look. He got up making me stand because he was still holding my hand "Hey, I told you to go. Why did you drag me away?"

"So what do you expect me to do? Leave you with them?" I frowned at him. "They surely looked like bad news. Also you can leave my hand now" I added.

He quickly let go off me "What would those guys think?" He said in a complaining voice. "Think about what?" I asked confused.

"Wouldn't they think it's weird if we ran away?" He put his both hands on his hip. I can't explain how much he looked like a mother scolding her child. "Are you dumb or what?" He started to walk away.

"I saved you and you are calling me dumb?" I stated in disbelief. "Talk about ungratefulness" I rolled my eyes at him.

He ignored me and walked away. I quickly ran after him because I don't remember how we even got into this place.

The whole way back Seojun and I didn't talk. Because I am stubborn okay?

He called me dumb even after I saved him from those guys. Okay I agree we shouldn't have ran. But can you blame me? It was the best idea that came to my mind at that time.

Also if I had left Seojun there, it looked like they would beat the crap out of each other. On the other side, Seojun was alone and they were five. No one would leave someone in that kind of situation.

Seojun started to get on his motorcycle. I looked around to see if I could find Suho. Shit! Did he leave? Did he go home? He is going to kill me.

I looked at Seojun "hey". "What do you want?" He said annoyed. "Can you give me a ride, please?" I smiled sweetly at him. "No" he started to put on his helmet.

"How could you say no every time I ask for a ride?" I said in disbelief. He ignored me and started his motorcycle. "Fine" I walked away angrily from there.

My legs hurt so much now. I have been running all day. If Suho gets home before me I am sure he is going to throw a fit. I will just call father if he starts that.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when Seojun had stopped beside me. "Lee Irene! Are you dead or something?" Seojun shouted making me jump. "What's wrong with you?" I asked putting a hand on my heart.

"What's- forget it. Get on before I change my mind" he said giving me the extra helmet. I took the helmet from him "what made you change your mind?" I asked putting on the helmet.

"No more questions and get on before I leave" he said annoyed. "Fine. Stop being so aggressive" I got on and wrapped my arms around his torso.

He wasn't moving "What's wrong?" I asked confused. "Nothing" he said and started the motorcycle.

"Just stop in front of that store" I told Seojun and he stopped his motorcycle. I got off and took off my helmet. "Why are you getting off here?" Seojun asked taking off his helmet. "I will just walk from here" I gave him his helmet back.

Something or someone behind Seojun caught my eye making me curse. Suho was standing with Jukyung in front off the comic store, glaring at me. He is going to toast me.

I sheepishly smiled and waved at him "hi, brother". I waved at Jukyung too. Seojun looked back at this. I slowly walked to Suho "What did I say about informing me before going out alone at night?" Suho said still glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would already be dead.

"I was really bored and you weren't at home" I whined like a five year old. "Why are you telling her to stop going out? What's wrong with her going out? I didn't know you were so old fashioned" Seojun stated with his hands in his pocket.

Suho glanced at him then back at me "Why is Seojun with you?"

"Well I found him on the road and he gave me a ride" I lied because he would freak out if he finds out I was running with Seojun from some goon like people.

Suho sighed deeply "We will continue this when we get home". Okay that's not a good sign. NOT A GOOD SIGN.

Suddenly someone pushed me from behind making me stumble forward. "What the-" I yelled but shut my mouth because a woman who looked really drunk was clinging to Suho and Seojun.

Suho and Seojun were holding her by her arms. "Eonni" Jukyung exclaimed making my eyes wide. She is Jukyung's older sister?

"What am I seeing?" She pointed at Suho then looked at Seojun "why am I seeing two beautiful man?" She was laughing like a crazy person.

"Am I dead? Am I in paradise?" She continued and was about to fall. I signaled to Jukyung to do something. Jukyung tried to grab her but she hit her in the face. That must've hurt.

Jukyung's sister put her arms around Suho and Seojun's neck "let's go! I will help you guys make a debut!"

Suho and Seojun both hissed in pain. Jukyung then shook her but jumped away then she made a face. "I will kill you if you puke" Jukyung raised her hands in defence.

Okay this is getting disgusting now. If she pukes I don't know if I will able to hold myself. Because I will surely puke.

"Let's take her home" Suho said rushing to walk. "Why do I need to go. Hey" Seojun complained.

I closely followed after them. I didn't want to get puked on now.

We somehow made it to Jukyung's house. "We are here. Thank you so much guys" Jukyung said trying to take her sister. "I will never forget this" she continued.

Her sister was about to puke on Seojun but he moved away resulting her to go straight to Suho and puke on him. Shit! I put my hand over my mouth trying to hold myself.

I quickly turned around not wanting to see anything because if I saw it I will also do the same. I leaned against a pillar trying to make the acidic feeling go away. "Are you okay?" Seojun asked sounding concerned. "I don't know" I tried the breathing exercise.


Okay maybe this was a bit dramatic.
I don't know!

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I love ya~

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