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I was woken up from the sound of door closing. I quickly sat up looking around to see I am in Suho's room.

I fell asleep, didn't I?

Sighing I got up from bed and went to my room. On my way to my room I didn't see Suho anywhere.

Maybe he went out.

All of a sudden I am craving chocolates and I couldn't find a single piece of chocolate in this house.

Maybe I am going out too. I got dressed in a black hoodie and jeans shorts. I took a umbrella with me because the sky wasn't looking too good.

I was only walking for ten minutes before it started pouring cats and dogs. Thank God I brought an umbrella with me.

Quickly opening it I started to walk a little fast but careful not to slip and fall.

After sometime I saw a store with people drinking outside of it.

I went inside the store and picked some of my favourite chocolates. I went to the cashier to pay for the chocolates when I heard some commotion going outside the store.

Paying for the chocolates I went out to see three drunk men bullying a girl.

"Look at the mess of her face. There is no order of eyes, nose and mouth" one of the guy said and everyone present there laughed.

The guy in the middle threw a crushed can at her "look here, lady. Keep looking at your feet and scurry home" he said.

I walked up straight infront of him and threw a punch on his face. His nose was probably broken. He hissed back in pain and fell back.

"The one ugly here is you. And you deserve a broken nose too" I said. Looking around I eyed the people who were laughing before "you people think this is really funny huh? Now laugh!" I said, everyone looked away avoiding my gaze.

"Why? Weren't you the one who were finding this funny before? What happened now?" I added.

"Do you have a death wish? Who are you? Why are you getting inside this, you are pretty unlike her" The one I punched had now stood back, he was holding his nose cause it was bleeding.

"You see, you people disgust me. Even after getting your nose broken you still have the gut to call her ugly. Next time if I see you doing something like this. I will break your hands" I glared at me.

I looked at the girl who was standing beside me with her head down. "Let's go" I grabbed her wrist, glaring at the people one last time I dragged her from there.

After going at a good distance from there I left her wrist. I grabbed a candy from my bag "here, take this" I offered her the candy.

She shook her head still looking down. "Ya! Just take it. Whenever I get upset I eat a lots of candy it makes me feel better" I smiled offering her once more.She took it and said a small thank you.

I looked at her knee to see there was a cut "whoa! It's bleeding. We need to do something" I said knelling down inspecting the cut. "No, no. It's ok. You have already done a lot. I will do it myself" she said.

"You will right?" I said standing up. She nodded "I will".

"But why aren't you looking at me tho?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She avoided my gaze and started shuttering. "Look at me" I said tilting my head. She nervously looked at me but still avoiding my gaze.

Now that I am looking at her closely, she is pretty. She just has acne problems which is not that big of a deal. "Hey, you are pretty ok? Don't let them get you" I said patting her shoulder.

"You are saying that because you pity me. You, yourself are really beautiful" she said looking down.

I watched her carefully not saying anything. When I didn't speak for sometime she looked up. "I don't pity you. What I said is I feel" I said.

I don't know why but she looks kinda similar too Jukyung.

"What's your name?" I asked and she started shuttering again.

Now I am a little suspicious. Her features are really similar to Jukyung's.

"Jukyung?" I said and her eyes snapped at my direction. She looks like she has seen a ghost.

" Please don't tell anyone. Please, please" she started panicking.

"Hey, hey. Calm down! Take a deep breath" I said and she inhaled deeply.

"Now exhale" she exhaled but still was panicking a little.

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone" I said giving her a smile.

"Thank you so much" she hugged me. "But I am going to ask something in return of keeping your secret" I pulled away and she nodded her head "yes, yes!"

"What's going on between you and my brother" I asked curiously.

"It's a long story" she sighed. "But I am going to tell you" she added.

Finally someone's telling the long story. So the long story is quite interesting.

Jukyung told me how my brother had pulled her when he thought she was going to commit suicide. Then how they met at the comic store. How she is running errands for him and everything.

"Wow I didn't know Suho can talk" I said clearly amused.

"He is so tiring" she sighed deeply. "Yes, he can be that sometimes. But by the look of it he is talking to you a lot than other people" I said thinking about the situation.

"Is it good?" She asked unwrapping the candy I gave her. "Yes it is. Keep talking to him. He is not that bad" I nodded at her.

"Well I will go now. He asked me to give the comic book to him" she said showing me the book.

I nodded my head and said goodbye to her. I watched as she walked away.

Wow Suho you don't tell me a lot of things.

The rain had stopped. Sighing I started to walk for the house.

I was infront of the park when I saw a motorcycle abandoned. Why do people keep abandoning things at road?

I was going to walk away but something caugh my eyes. The motorcycle looked oddly familiar. I went closer to inspect it.

My eyes widened in realisation. Han Seojun's bike!

Why is this boy everywhere?

I looked around hoping to find him. Why I wanted to find him? I don't know.

I went inside the park to find a tall guy standing with his hands in his pocket. Bingo!

He was watching something. He was so focused that he didn't even felt my presence. I followed his eyes only to find Jukyung and Suho.

Suho was kneeling down on one knee and Jukyung was sitting. It looked like he was applying something on her knee. The cut!

Good job brother!

"It looks really romantic, doesn't it?" I said standing beside Seojun, watching them.


Look who wrote this in one hour?

Me! That's why this isn't good.

Double update people!

Vote and comment!

I love ya~

The Extrovert LeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon