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Finally lunch. I happily skipped to the lunch room, ready to eat.

I was about to enter the room when Jukyung came running out of the room almost crashing into me. "Take this and run" she shoved something to me and I started to run.

There goes my lunch. I look back to see now Seojun running after me. What did she do? I look at my hands to see it was a set of keys. Keys and Seojun? His motorcycle!

Why did Jukyung have to take his keys? "Ya! Lee Irene stop" Seojun yelled from behind me. Luckily I was a good runner. Even though I had ran after Seojun in the morning and was tired, I still ran through the hallway as fast as I could.

Thankfully people were moving to make way for me.

I entered the garden with Seojun on my tail. "Give it back while I am being nice" Seojun yelled. He was getting really close to me. I was about to turn a corner but he had grabbed my arm which made me stop.

"Hand it over" he said panting. "Hand over what?" I played dumb. "I saw Jukyung giving it to you" he signaled to my hands. I was about to say something but out of nowhere Suho came and grabbed my other arm.

"What are you doing?" Seojun asked making me look at him. "I could ask you the same thing" Suho replied and I looked at him. Then they were having a stare down.

"Aigoo......what's wrong with you two?" I released my arms from their grip. "Why do you two fight like an old married couple whenever you come across?" I whined. "We don't" they yelled at the same time.

"Of course and pigs can fly" I rolled my eyes at them. "Here" I gave Seojun his keys. "I didn't even know what Jukyung gave me" he took the keys. "Now go and don't fight" I said pushing both of them to opposite directions.

Still they didn't stop glaring at each other. "Ya! Didn't you hear what I said?" I yelled at them. Seojun was the first one to leave. I sighed in relief when he left. "What were you doing with his keys?" Suho asked starting to walk.

I walked with him "it was Jukyung. I was just about to enter the lunch room when Jukyung came running to me and handed me his keys. I didn't even had the chance to ask what they were because she told me to run" I rolled my eyes at my stupidity.

"Oh and are you going to the study group with the others?" I asked remembering Soo-Ah talking about it earlier. She had asked me too but I declined. Truth is I can't concentrate when people I know are around me. I prefer studying alone.

"What about you?" Suho asked. "I am not going. What about you? You are going right? Jukyung will be there" I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes "it's not what you think"

"Yes, yes. Keep saying that to yourself" I stuck my tongue at him. "I am hungry. See you later" I skipped to eat lunch.

I knew Lee Suho was going to that study group. Looks like my brother has really started to like Jukyung.

Now the thing is I am home alone, bored. And Irene does not like being bored. So here I am getting dressed so I could go out and maybe eat something.

 So here I am getting dressed so I could go out and maybe eat something

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I got dressed in a cute white dress. I fixed my dress in the mirror, examining it. "This will do" I smiled at myself and got my bag. I checked three times if I locked the door or not.

I don't trust myself, not even a bit.

I decided to walk as I didn't need to rush anything. The night sky was full of stars. I should take walks at night more often. Maybe also bring Suho with me.

I had dropped at a shop to get a banana milkshake. I think I am obsessed with these.

It's been about 2 hours that I am walking around the shops. I had bought some cute bracelets and necklaces.

After walking some more, I was thinking about going back home when a motorcycle caught my eye. It looked like Seojun's motorcycle. I went closer to inspect it. And it indeed was his. Aish! This boy is still riding his bike. He should quit it already if his mother is telling him.

"What are you doing?" A voice made me jump out of my thoughts.
I looked up to see it was Seojun. "What did you do to my motorcycle?" He asked when I didn't say anything. I crossed my arms over my chest "I didn't even touch it".

My eyes widened when I saw Suho inside a shop. He told me to stay at home. Shit!

I grabbed Seojun's arm and dragged him to a corner. "What is it?" Seojun asked annoyed. "I want to talk here. It's better here" I said looking away.

Why is Suho here? Shouldn't he be studying with the others now?

Suho had told me to not go outside alone at night after the incident at the theatre. Apparently he didn't liked the way people were gawking at his sister. I had told him I could take care of myself but he didn't listen. He told me to avoid going out at night and even if I go, I have to send him my location.

He was playing his protective brother role now. 

Now the thing is I am out of the house and I also didn't inform him that I am out. He will throw a fit if he sees me. I was planning to go home before Suho goes home but now here is Seojun and I, also I almost got caught.

"Earth to Irene" Seojun snapped his fingers in front of me making me stop my train of thoughts. "Yeah, yeah" I said but in real I hadn't listened to any single thing he had said. "Did you even listen what I said?" He raised his eyebrows and I smiled sheepishly.

"Hold on. Han Seojun, is that you?" Someone yelled from behind me. I turned to see five boys. They looked like they were of our age. Seojun got infront of me "you of all people?" He said in disbelief. "Surprise" the one in the middle who looked like the so called boss of the group said.

His eyes then fell on me "hold on a second. Why did you bring a girl down a dark alley?" He asked trying to piss Seojun but actually he was pissing me off. I didn't liked the way he looked at me from up to down.

Before I could say anything Seojun looked at me "get going" he said pushing me.

These boys don't look like a good news. I can't leave him here alone. Without thinking I grabbed Seojun's hand and started to run.


I literally stopped reading stories after I started writing this fanfic.

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