Chapter 3: Emergency Meeting

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Waiting at the back of the school, Jisoo was working out her plan to help them out. To be honest, it's not all about her friends. The faster I help them out, the faster I can confess to Sana!

• • • • • • • •

"Have you even said a proper sentence to her, Seul?" Jisoo asked, trying to understand what the issue was.

"Last time she tried to compliment Irene's hair, she called it seaweed and told her she looked like the girl from 'The Ring'."

"I even recorded it!" Wendy grinned as she pulled out her phone to show her.

"You called her Sadako???" Lisa yelped out, covering her mouth to contain her laugh.

"Seaweed is long and shiny!" Seulgi was now crouched on the ground, face on the palms.

"Is seaweed even shiny?" Jeongyeon was already googling it.

"At least I talked to her! Lisa acts like a creep around Rosé" Seulgi bursts out.

"I'm keeping my distance to be safe! " Lisa, who had quickly recovered, defended.

"She's not bigfoot, Lis." Jisoo was tired of Lisa dragging them around just to look at Rosé and leave.

"Forget them! Can you please help me first?" So far, Jeongyeon was the only one that even seemed to have a chance.

The girl had befriended Nayeon during freshman year and confessed by the end of it, to which she gladly accepted. They've been dating for 5 months now.

She had decided on asking her to be her girlfriend on New Year's but Nayeon had cancelled their plans.

Still, she attempted to ask her out for the next few months but something always came up for Nayeon. Almost like she's avoiding it.

"I've decided to give up on Joy" Wendy declared.


"Took you long enough."

"Are you sure, Wannie?"

"I have a cousin that likes short Canadians!"

They all stared at Lisa before turning back to Wendy.

"I still like her but I don't see this going anywhere. I also heard Sungjae was interested in her and she even accepted a date with him."

The girls silently comforted the Canadian.

"I don't think I ever had a chance"

They knew how much she liked Joy but they also didn't want her to waste another year chasing after nothing.

"My cousin is still availa-"

Jisoo smacked Lisa before she even finished her sentence.

• • • • • • • •

Irene, Jennie and Chaeyoung were finally walking home after ending the Student Council meeting.

Just when they were about to leave the building, Jennie heard voices coming from the back, way too loud to be whispers.

The husky voice, too familiar to miss, she turned back to the two, she realized they were too occupied in their conversation to hear them.

What are they doing at this hour?

"Hyunie, you guys should go ahead. I think I left something in the council office.", she said, when they had made it out.

"No, it's fine, we can wait."

"It'll take a few minutes, you can leave without me."

"Jen, it's fine we will-"

"I'll text you two later" Jennie said as she ran back towards the building.

• • • • • • • •

They had finally planned out what they would do.

With Wendy already giving up and Jeongyeon halfway there, they only had to somehow help Lisa and Seulgi actually talk to the two Student Council members.

"Sooooo..." Lisa was getting her answer one way or another.


Lisa and Seulgi knew their best friend too well.

They have been together since kindergarten when Lisa stole Jisoo's chicken nuggets and ended up crying and missing half of her bangs.

Seulgi had to step in and give up her juice box and nuggets to stop Lisa's sobbing and get Jisoo to hand over the scissors.

Jisoo would help any of her friends out in a heartbeat but wasting hours of her precious game time and not running home to see dalgom after class is very unusual.

Lisa had finally figured it out when she remembered what they had promised at the beginning of this year.

And she quickly reminded the others while Jisoo was checking her phone.

"Who is it?" Lisa inquired further; she's not letting this go.


"Stop acting innocent! It's Tzuyu isn't it? I always knew by the way you looked at her"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"I already know you like one of them. Just tell us who it is."

"Come on, Jis ... we promise not to tease you!"

"How did you even-" By the 4 pairs of curious eyes staring straight at her for an answer, Jisoo knew she wouldn't get out of this.

"Fine. It's Sana."

"I KNEW I- wait what?"

"Sana? Really?"

"What do you mean 'really'?" Feeling slightly offended, she glared back at Jeongyeon and Lisa.

"Didn't think she was your type." Jeongyeon stated as Lisa and Wendy nodded lazily.

"I don't even have a type!" Jisoo shouted, clearly irritated.

"You said you liked girls with big smiles when we were drunk!" Lisa shouted back.

"And soft cheeks! Who wouldn't think of Jennie?" Jeongyeon added on.

Jisoo, too tired to argue, just agreed with them as they all picked up their stuff to leave.

"Yeah, whatever, she also has a cute smile and fluffy cheeks. Now stop talking about Jennie and pick who's gonna give me a ride. I miss dalgom"

As they all started to walk away they failed to notice one person still standing there, trying to process everything she heard.

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