Chapter 21: The Incident

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YG University.

A fresh start for Jennie.

High school was not her best experience.

Not bad but not good.

Suffering from false bullying accusations and having to endure the actual bullying, Jennie wanted nothing more than a new start.

She decided she wanted to look more intimidating. And she'll act the part too!

She switched her vintage Chanel dress for some underground band she never even heard of and paired it with a leather jacket.

Jennie was smiling as she looked in the mirror to see her new look only to be met with disappointment.

I look like a child!

She definitely dressed the part but her puffy cheeks and gummy smile made her look like a kid playing dress up.

Jennie Kim will never smile again!

Ditching the outfit, she decided to just wear a dress.

It's all about aura anyway!

She made sure to keep a straight face all the way to YG. Her RBF did most of the work for her.

She stopped herself several times from grinning when she stepped off the bus.

It's not my fault! Everyone is excited on the first day!!

Stopping a few metres away from the large area, she was looking around to take in the view and memorize the paths she would need to know.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of motorbikes clearly heading towards her.

Jennie quickly stepped out of the way to allow them to pass.

But she noticed that they were still moving in her direction.

Before she knew it, a teary-eyed Jennie was running beside one of the bikes trying to free herself from the owner who had grabbed her by the strap of her dress.

The others laughed at her as she was yelling at them to let her go.

Losing her stamina, Jennie gave a final pull, leading the biker to drop her to the ground and ride away.

She could see the biker give her a quick nod and wave towards her before joining a few bikes that were clearly waiting for them in front.

A crying Jennie ran to find the closest washroom.

She had never felt more humiliated before and no one even attempted to help her.

Jennie had finally found one of the washrooms and was sobbing when she heard voices outside.

Running into a stall to avoid being seen in her pathetic manner, she stayed silent waiting for them to leave.

"Did you see what they did to that new girl?"

"I'm pretty sure they dragged her halfway across the building."

She could hear the girls laugh. She held back a sob to not expose herself.

"How has no one reported them yet?"

"Jisoo's always been like that since high school."

"Plus who would go against Kim Jisoo who's parents could easily buy anyone here."

Jennie waited a few minutes to make sure the girls had really left until she came out.

Looking at the mirror, she could see her bleeding knees and puffed out eyes.

She decided to skip orientation and dragged herself out. Looking down to avoid any stares, she ran out of the area heading towards the park she saw nearby.

Once she arrived, Jennie took her seat beside a tree, finally letting out the sobs she was holding in earlier.

When she was tired and out of tears, she couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

I must have the shittiest luck on the whole fucking planet.

The pain from her bleeding knees didn't hurt as much as what she was feeling in her heart. 

Jennie sat there, trying not to focus on the headache she had got from all the crying.

• • • • • • • •

Jennie was standing in front of the YG building again.

She was supposed to check in with the office for her schedule.

Told to wait with the rest of the students, she was now standing at the end of the line, hoping no one would recognize her.

Jennie's anxiety was over the roof, the drowning feeling in her heart increased as time passed.

Her breathing was slowly getting heavier and difficult.

She took in a large breath when the scent of Lavender attacked her nose, seemingly calming her down.

Jennie turned her head to see a flow of raven hair. Someone was later than her.

While the line started moving forward Jennie relied on the scent of Lavender to relax her breathing.

They finally ended up waiting beside each other in the office.

She turned to take a look at the girl and caught that she was staring at her.

Jennie felt her heart drop

Did she recognize me from this morning's incident?

"Can you take that seat for me please?"

Her voice was drowned out by the sound of Jennie's heart.

Am I about to be bullied in the office???

Jennie was not in a state to fight and just did as she was told.

She watched as the raven kneeled down to her level and pulled out something from the bag that was slung over her shoulder.

She felt a stinging sensation on her knees which suddenly cooled.


Her eyes still puffy from crying, all she could make out through her hazy vision was a pink heart amidst her raven hair.

A heart?

"Sorry I don't have any other types."

Jennie looked down to see her knees covered in Pikachu band-aids.

She could see the girl scratching her neck. She wanted to thank her but couldn't find her voice due to the previous hours she spent crying.

The girl threw a smile to the unresponsive Jennie and quickly stood up to talk to the front desk.

When Jennie finally recovered she didn't see the raven around her anymore and the scent of Lavender was no longer lingering in the air.

She got her schedule and walked out of the office searching for the raven but with not a face in her mind, she just gave up and left for home.

On her way back, she stared at the Pikachu band-aids on her knees.

She didn't know whether she wanted to cry or smile.

Her day was over even before it started.



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